March Madness Reflection

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Two things that went well for me during this project were that I learned a lot more about March Madness and brackets during this project. I also met new people in my group and my new friends. Two things that went well for my group was that we all worked together really well and even though we did not win the championship we tried really hard. For my group, I helped wherever I was needed. I helped research our criteria and pick teams, I helped draw our bracket, and also helped write our reasonings for the winners of each round. I also helped present and argue for our team during presentations. Two things that did not go well for me during this project were that I didn’t know how a bracket worked and what teams played who. I also was confused towards the beginning of the project. Two things that did not go well for my group were that we did not make it to the final two and we did not win the national championship. …show more content…

I never understood why this team played that team or why they moved on and the other team did not. After completing this project, I learned about how teams are ranked before the start of the games and what it is based on. Now that I know what goes into creating a bracket and the excitement and disappointment of each game, I think I will enjoy March Madness more. I learned a lot about bracketology in this project. I now understand why a seed 1 plays a seed 16 and so on. I also learned on how to set up a bracket and how to move them across. After learning more about the bracket, I think I will try to make one for every March

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