Manipulation In Brave New World By Aldous Huxley

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Manipulating minds can alter people’s lives in a huge way. The population of the World State is very different from our society because of it. In the society of Brave New World, there are certain social classes that are manipulated and conditioned into believing they are okay with it. Manipulation is a designed experience crafted to change behavior. The World State uses various sources to manipulate the populations mind by drilling certain things into their minds constantly which is a bad thing. Fanny Crowne was sleep taught to not have the desire to bear children but things went awry.. The text states, “But my dear you’re only nineteen. The Pregnancy Substitute isn’t compulsory til twenty one.” (Huxley. 38) The World State does hypnopaedia (sleep teaching) which imprints certain beliefs in certain classes. They are conditioned to not want to bear children naturally; if this conditioning was really effective Fanny and all other women would not have to take Pregnancy Substitute to suppress baby fever. Conditioning and hypnopaedia are the World States way of forcing the population to do what they want to do, saying what they want want …show more content…

Huxley writes, “Everyone belongs to everyone else.” This hynopaedic suggestion discourages exclusivity in friendship and love. Lenina was manipulated and conditioned to not want monogamous relationship, yet she carried on with Henry Foster for 4 months. This conditioned preset she possesses negatively affects her because it leaves her confused about a lot of things like relationships and friendships. Huxley goes on to write, “And anyhow why are people so beastly to him. I think he’s rather sweet.” This quote refers to Bernard Marx. Lenina is once again showing signs of her originality because everyone thinks Bernard is weird and steers clear of him for the most part. However, Lenina wants the chance to see for herself how he

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