Individuality And Conformity In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the author depicts a collective society in which everyone has the same values and beliefs. From a young age, the people in the World State’s civilization are conditioned to believe in their motto of “Community, Identity, Stability.” Through hypnopaedia, the citizens of the World State learn their morals, values, and beliefs, which stay with them as they age. However, like any society, there are outsiders who alienate themselves from the rest of the population because they have different values and beliefs. Unfortunately, being an outsider in the World State is not ideal, and therefore there are consequences as a result. One such outsider is John. Brought from the Savage Reservation, John is lead to conform to the beliefs of the World State, thus losing his individuality, which ultimately leads him to commit suicide. Through John and the World State populace as an example, Huxley uses his novel to emphasize his disapproval of conformity over individuality. First of all, The World State takes away individuality and forces its people, through conditioning, to conform to the society’s motto of Community, Identity, and Stability. The most effective way the World State conditions its people is through …show more content…

The Beta caste is conditioned to be happy with their placement in society. They are taught to believe that they are the best class in their society. By conditioning the Beta caste to believe in this, the World State is taking away their individuality. Without their individuality, the Beta caste cannot think on their own, and thus will not try to seek more power in the community that they are in. Overall, the effects of the Hypnopaedia conditioning results in a stable community, thus conforming the individual people to have the same values as the World State, and therefore losing their individuality in the

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