Mandatory Volunteering In Schools

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One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time. Volunteering encourages responsibility and leadership as high school students take active roles in their communities. Not only does mandatory service hours teach students responsibility and leadership, it gives students experience for later opportunities, and also allows students to connect with other people in their community.
Mandatory volunteering will require students to step up and figure out their own ways to get hours for themselves. Service hours may be seen as forced work on students, but it teaches students how to find different opportunities on their own to help their community (Ain). Contenders of mandatory volunteer hours indicate that service hours should not be forced on students …show more content…

Students should have the freedom to choose the kind of volunteering they would like to do. Volunteering could potentially lead to students being able to find a career, or if not a career, then possibly scholarships for college (Ain). Even if it does not end in a job at the place that they are volunteering at, it gives them the experience to put on a resume for a future job that they might have. Students may not be getting paid for their time and effort towards volunteering, but in the end they are getting paid (EdLab). Service hours provides students with many different experiences, whether it be volunteering at a nursing home helping out with senior citizens, or serving food at a soup kitchen, giving to people who are less fortunate (Gazette). Students may go into obtaining service hours with a negative attitude, coming out of it though, most students are thankful for the experiences that they had. Most students and administers biggest concern about volunteer hours is students not being able to complete their service hours because of complications such as time (Silver Chips Online). A lot of students do not have the time to do mandatory volunteer work because they have jobs or other extracurricular activities that they are involved in. Despite issues like time restraints, a limited amount of service hours is still something to be considered because of the experiences that it gives to

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