Benefits Of Community Service Essay

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Community Service: The Benefits

Volunteering: The great experience no one can afford to lose. Opposers say, mandatory community service can have several negative effects on students. “Community service hours are impressive additions to college applications and can provide a student with a great sense of accomplishment; however, the mandatory hours will have many negative consequences” (Cydney Hayes, 2012). Many students are barely even passing the regular school curriculum, and opposers believe that adding the additional load of mandatory service hours will discourage teens from even wanting to graduate. Also mandatory service is usually assigned by a court as punishment to delinquents. “In a small number of cases, community service is required by the court system as restitution for delinquent offenses” (Planty and Bozick, 2006).
Contrary to this opposing view, helping others is the best feeling that one could ever have. What is a volunteer? Volunteer: a person who does work without getting paid to do it (Merriam, Webster). The act of volunteering gives people a sense of responsibility and makes one feel needed and useful to society one way or another. Students should be obligated to give back to their communities through acts of community service. It should be viewed from the perspective of paying their dues back to the community, after all the education of these students is free and it is the community that pays for it. Community service should be a mandatory high school graduation requirement because it builds ones character, limits the rate of teenage delinquency, and establishes a path for a better future as an individual.
Fulfilling community service by volunteering has so many positive effects on the community. Servi...

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...service, teens can also get linked up with people of higher power in their community which can be really beneficial to them presently and in the future.
Mandating community service for high school graduation was the best idea anyone could ever invent. Its a very useful, promising, and beneficial experience that every teen should want to be a part of. Volunteering gives people a sense of fulfilment, and the joy of knowing that so many people need help and being able to be that person to render those services make a better person. Community service should not be a burden for any teenager, but a special gift being giving to the community by a special individual. Community service should be a mandatory high school graduation requirement because it builds ones character, limits the rate of teenage delinquency, and establishes a path for a better future as an individual.

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