Management Accounting in Modern Business enterprise

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Excellence in manufacturing and service enterprises can provide a competitive weapon to compete in the worldwide markets. In order for the competition to be effective, organizations have to perform under a combination of triple, strategic priorities, management techniques and management via accounting (MA). As a first part, the essay will define (MA) Under Chandler’s book ‘The Visible Hand’. It will also explain three advantages, of how (MA) assists in modern business enterprise and the new line and staff structure to enable economic, efficient and effective administrative coordination. Moreover, my opinion will be provided based on my most important advantage of all three. As a second part, the essay will descripte how (MA) enables Ryanair to guarantee an economy, efficient and effective function under low fuel load carried. Then, according to my view as a Ryanair’s manager, an explanation will be provided to the flight crew concerning safety which is the number one priority of the company.
Accounting is considered to be a Social and institutional practice, one which is constitutive and intrinsic to social relations (Hopwood, 1994, pg1). In case of (MA), internal users like managers are provided with (MA) information (Seal, 2009, pg4). This information focuses on both human performance and product services costs. It also gives the responsibility to managers to take measures according to the planning, directing and motivating and controlling of the business (Young, 2003, chapter5). Modern managerially-run enterprises was first established by Chandler in the United States between ‘1830 to 1860’(Chandler, 1977, pg3).It makes possible the world of oligopolies, which brings imperfect competition and misallocation of resources. It is...

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...AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Anthony%20Hopwood%2C%20Accounting%2C%20Organization%20and%20Society&f=false pg1
Management accounting book of lecture pg 4
Chapter 5
Chandler pg3'E'S'+economy,+efficiency+and+effectiveness&hl=en&sa=X&ei=w66UUqm4BOr8ygP58IGoBw&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false pg 59

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