The Importance Of Accounting In Our Modern Society

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The Importance Of Accounting In Our Modern Society

Accounting is a very important term to our modern society. It is the career for men and women who at the start have their eyes set on top positions in industry, management, government, and general business. Accounting is a basic need of every businessman, from the operator of a filling station to the government of the United States. It's so important to our society. None of the business organization can operate without is. They are there-somewhere-in every business. In small business, people use pen, ink and skill keep the records. In large business, modern accounting machines are used to operate. Men and women are directing these machines in the accounting process. Wise businessmen enter business must have some accounting knowledge.

Accounting is a vital element of business. It records the way a business has grown and, after analyzing figures, suggests the way it should go in the future. Furtunes are gambled on the advice of accountants.

If your friend has ever operated a business and you saw him placing figures in ledgers, then you saw him doing bookkeeping. If you have worked at a service station or supermarket and have seen books with large sheets lined in green and red lying on the manager's table or desk, you saw books of accounting.

Accounting is one of the fastest growing fields in the United States It expands each time a new store, a factory, a filling station, or a school goes up, whether in a large city or a small town. In today's society, the demand for good accountants for exceeds the supply. As our country has expanded, business and industry have become more and more complex, so control here is very important. And control depends on a great deal of the bookkeepers and accountants who can analyze figues and advise management on what should be done. They are using more scientific ways changing money, figuring change, and collecting sales taxes. Moreover, department stores and other companies now have plants and offices widely scattered throughout the country. A new set of bookkeepers and accountants, is needed at each branch. I know there are many managements supervisory, and junior or senior executive positions are bing filled by people who started as accountants because accountants have the knowledge of methods and finance and comprehension of the fundamentals of business, and acc...

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...nd more employers prefer employees with some knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting. There are other some examples of accounting job are required in different business:

Office Manager?accountant, excellent salary, may advance to plany controller.



Statistical Clerk?bookkeeper

Typist?some bookkeeping preferable

Church Secretary?bookkeeping experience essential

Secretary?typist, general bookkeeper

Salesman?experienced in bookkeeping

Accounting is so important in our modern society. It serves a variety range of place in our society. It serves a variety range of place in our soceity, from school to hospital, from business firm to government agencies. It's also the main force in regulation of taxation and industrial activity. It serves a great aspects on the development of mass-production systems, any way, it's a very important term in our modern soceity.


1. Backer, M., 'Handbook of Modern Accounting Therory.';

2. Abbott, Lawrence, 'Economics and The Modern World.';

3. J.K. Lasser Tax Institute, 'How to start and Build a successful business.';

4. Don E. Garner 'The Nature and purpose of accounting.';

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