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The psychological effects of rape in women
Rape victim case study
The psychological effects of rape in women
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Male Victim Rape
This research paper is based on individual case study related to “Male Rape Victims.” Male rape is a crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse (LongMan Dictionary, p1169). In general, male rape has occurred as often as every year from the age of twelve and above. Frequently, males and females had common experiences in same situations. An attacker could victimize males as well as females, who can be an attacker, only a small number of rapes or assaults, about twenty percent, are committed by complete strangers (The Rape of Males, p1). The best known locations where rape occurs are at parties, allies, and secretive streets. Nearly everyone, who has consumed alcohol ot taken drugs of any kind has had their sexual hormones increase. The purpose of sexual intercourse is accomplished with a person, not the spouse of the perpetrator. In addition, men and women hackneyed sexual intercourse from pornographic publications. Despite, the pornographic industry's tremendous size and growth, sexually explicit materials continue to engender much political, legal, moral, and scientific debate (Malamuth, et.al, p26). It has beneficial effects of desires for pornography. Conducting a case study will help students determine whether or not their experiences of rape influence their life. Rape can be an impact on medications and health. The effects of rape are mental, physical, and social healths which are strongly influenced on health outcomes. Moreover, it has some affinity with the colloquial notion of "reverse psychology," which is based on the idea that telling people that they may not do something makes them want to do it more (Baumeister, et.al, p6).
Introduction and Literature Review
I have chosen four journal articles from the research database related to Males Rape Victim I invented ten questions for a case study and have already interviewed a twenty-two year old male. My hypothesis is how a male rape victim would deal with their experiences of being raped and how their life changed. I wanted to know how bad rape affected that persons’ life or that person proceeds. Did that person get help to cope with their fear? Did going to counseling or therapy help them at all? Is it possible to be given treatments provided to prevent from getting unknown diseases? I believe that rape to that person ...
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... would it be?
9. Were drugs or alcohols involved?
10. Did you go to counseling or therapy to obtain professional help to cope rape?
1. At age of sixteen.
2. The rape occurred in the basement at a friend’s house by one or two girls.
3. Yes, it did affect his life after the rape occurred.
4. He happened to be blackout during the period of the time.
5. No, he didn’t report the rape to the police because he didn’t have the courage to do it.
6. It didn’t change any of his behaviors but he was really frightened due to worried about getting STD or unknown disease.
7. Yes, he got tested for venereal diseases and luckily the result was negative.
8. He regretted due to drinking too much, over limit.
9. Yes, alcohols were involved because it was opened party as known as public party.
10. No, because it didn’t influenced him at all.
4. At that moment I couldn’t feel any more cynical about the way my friend was acting out.
4. I think I probably would have given up when the mother stabbed me. I think it would have been too painful for me to care anymore. I would have suffered too much.
The story begins in an artists home in the city of London. The artist, named Basil Howard, is talking with his friend Lord Henry about his newly found inspiration otherwise known as Dorian Gray. They discuss how innocent and handsome he is which of course leads to Lord Henry asking to meet and talk with him. Basil, fearing Henry's potential inluence on Dorian, asks him to leave. As if on some certain que Dorian arrives and meets Lord Henry for the first time. From that point on Lord Henry manages to corrupt Dorian and forever change him to only act upon his own pleasures. Following this Basil completes the portrait of Dorian that he had been working on and presents it to him so that he can take it home for himself to look upon his beauty. After seeing this Dorian proclaims that he wishes that if only the painting could bear the burden of age and emotional decay while he himself remaind young forever.
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In "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, we see a beautiful young man who makes tremendous efforts to transform the actual world into the idealistic world of art, dreams and sensations. Dorian's quest, however, culminates in his ultimate tragic destruction. Given that Dorian lives a corrupt life, one is likely to focus on the negative aspects of his character. In spite of his significant character flaws, Dorian Gray may still be considered a hero. This essay will examine Dorian's degradation from the innocent world to the vicious, sensation-oriented world. The elements contributing to Dorian’s status of tragic hero will then be discussed.
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Therefore, the role of pornography can be viewed as a serious encouragement of rape. The report (Diana R. 1993) indicated that: 86 percent of convicted rapists confessed to regular use of pornography.4 It is not just that, there is a rapist interviewed by Beneke Timothy (‘Men on rape’ 1999): “I
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