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Psychological effects of rape
Psychological effects of rape
Psychological effects of rape
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Recommended: Psychological effects of rape
Rape is the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. According to the Sexual Assault Statistics “,only 16% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police department per year.” Women who are a victim of rape suffer a lifetime of fear, emotional stress and depression, but their rapist is sentenced to a maximum of 20 years in prison, depending on the severity of the case. After 25 years, Crista Stephens out of Houston, Texas can now speak about the night she was attacked and raped, but still, trembles every time she speaks her rapist name. Educating yourself, family, friends and peers can decrease your chances of being a victim of rape. Are 20 years long enough for a rapist to be behind …show more content…
Studies show that women whose attacker is not a stranger are not likely to report the rape because of her emotional beliefs. Women also think that because they know who their attacker is, that it is their fault they were raped or assaulted, or they believe that no one would believe them. Men with high positions or who are in the public eye, such as police officers, politicians, basketball, football, and baseball players are often accused of sexually assaulting or raping a female but most women won’t report it because of their popularity, fame or they are paid off before anyone can find out. For Example, Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a 19-year-old, Vail-area resort employee. The victim reported the crime, but after 14 months dropped all charges. The charges were dropped because of lack of evidence and because she was offered a settlement that she took when she realized that she was not going to win her case. Statements like that detour woman who has been a victim from reporting it. When a rape is reported and it goes to trial the attorney may discourage the victim from bringing up any and all of the victim 's past sexual experiences to make the victim look bad and convince the victim that it was her fault that this act
Oftentimes, the things individuals take for granted as preexisting facts are merely the products of social construction, which exert tremendous impacts on belief and action. Men and women are socially constructed categories inscribed by norms of masculinity and femininity that enables rape to occur. Catharine MacKinnon claims that rape is defined in a male perspective, which lacks the account of female experience. On the other hand, Sharon Marcus argues that rape is a constructed language that scripts the female body. As bell hooks points out, black men celebrate “rape culture” as a mean of expressing patriarchal dominance and endorsing female subordination. In order to redefine rape and to develop effective rape prevention, it is crucial to deconstruct the predetermined assumptions about men and women. Rape is socially constructed, through the ways how individuals possess misogynistic ideologies and endorse patriarchal power, turning the erotic fantasy of male dominance into “reality”.
workers and the position of supervisor is instantly given an incredible amount more power taking
Rape is a virus that infects every nation, culture and society. It is constantly referred to as “the unfinished murder”, because of the deep state of despair the rapist leaves the victim in. There is no common identifiable trend that determines who will be a rape victim. Women are not assaulted because of their attitudes or actions, they are attacked simply because they are present. With rapists, just as with their victims, there is no identifiable trend. The old myth that only “sick, dirty, old, perverted men” commit rapes is a lie that society tells itself in order to sleep better at night. The startling truth is that most rapists work under a veil of normalcy. In order for the percentage of rapes to decrease, we have to change our ideas about rape and let go of the old myths of the past. And until this happens, rape will continue to plague our world at large.
Rape is not just an action against an individual, but a violent crime that can scar a life
Man charged with the rape of 31 women in New York! Ever caught the headline of a crime that occurred and wondered how a person could possibly commit such a heinous act against another person? This is the job of a criminologist. To study crimes, criminals, victims, environmental and social factors, etc. in order to come up with theories and reasons as to why people commit acts against others (Brotherton). Criminology is not a new concept, but it is an evolving one. For this reason many theories have derived from sociologist and psychologist as to why crimes are committed, who commits them, and other the factors that played a role. Take for instance the crime rape. Rape is an unwanted sexual act performed upon another individual by force, deception or while under the influence of a substance. While most rape victims are known to be women, this crime has been expanded to include rape against a man or a person of the same sex. Rape is not an easy concept to deal with, nor is dealing with a rapist. For the purpose of this paper, rape will be explained by three theories, biological, psychological and rational choice theory, all of which criminologist have deemed are fitting of the crime.
What do you think and feel when you hear the word rape? Do you feel uncomfortable? Maybe even angry? Your certain feelings and emotions towards this word is a result of rape culture. Rape culture, essentially, is how a society as a whole sees and reacts towards rape or instances of rape. In 2013 rape was defined by the FBI as, “Penetration… of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” (Division’s Crime Statistics Management Unit 1). The definition was finally changed after the old definition deemed inappropriate by today’s standards, which beforehand, stated that physical force needed to be used for rape to be considered rape. This is good news for men and women who have been fighting for the definition to be changed, but unfortunately this does not mean that state laws are being changed the same way. Even though the FBI may acknowledge the older inappropriate definition, most states do not. Sexual assault is a commonly unreported crime, where only an average of 36% of sexual abuse is actually reported to the authorities (Planty 7). Some forms of rape can include physical harm, threats, and even death of the victim, and most victims do not want to tell others for fear of criticism, self-blame, or even the fear that their attackers will carry out on their threats. In many cases, victims do have a reason to be afraid. When someone is brave enough to come forward and say they were sexually assaulted, they are putting themselves in the position of being in not only a long legal process, but also having their motives questioned and misunderstood, which is the last thing they want after their experience. The legal system in the United States...
Did you know that ninety-seven percent of rapists will never spend a day in jail? (RAINN) This fact is depressing considering the large percentage of rape victims. Things like rape and violence have a severe impact on the mentality level of people. Their lives will change forever after going through an intense situation such as being molested, beaten, or anything along those lines. It has caused people to commit the same crime, become severely depressed and suicidal, as well as many other unfortunate events. People look down on those who have gone through such events, some may say things such as, "you probably deserved it”, “you were dressed provocatively" or "how did you not enjoy that?” As such, rape is an underexplored
Physical damage from rape often occurs in the form of bruises and cuts from the attacker as well as through sexually transmitted diseases. Mental damage however, is normally more substantial. Victims will often blame themselves for what happened (“James R. Snell Jr.”). On average, a sex offender spends between five and eleven years in jail. Upon release from prison, a sex offender is more than ten times more likely to commit another sex related crime than someone who has committed another...
Almost 85,000 females reported to the police that they had been a victim of forcible rape or attempted rape in 2010 according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR). This is a significant number of women that are affected by this crime and are forced to deal with the consequences after. Rape according to the FBI is defined as: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person”. However there are slight variations in definition from state to state. This definition has changed overtime just as the issues and types of rape have become more apparent to criminal justice officials. In earlier years, rape laws were gender neutral, only applying to females,
Rape and sexual violence is a very serious problem that affects millions of people each year. Rape is someone taking advantage of another person sexually. Sexual assault can be verbal, physical, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. ("Sexual Assault.") Rape is one of the most underreported crimes. In 2002, only thirty-nine percent of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law officials. ("Sexual Violence: Fact Sheet.") Victims sometimes do not report that they have raped because of shame or feeling that it was their fault. It is never the victim's fault. "Victim blaming" is holding the victim of a crime to be in a whole or in partly responsible for what had happened to them. Most victims believe this. ("Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence.")
Deviant behavior is defined as a behavior or action that is against the social norms of society. Rape is a deviant behavior that is a type of sexual assaults that usually involving sexual intercourse. This happens when one person or more initiates sexual acts against another person without that person's consent. The act can be sometimes carried out by physical force, coercion, or a person not being able to give valid consent. Someone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent would fall under that category. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault. According to R.A.I.N (Rape, Abuse and Incet National Network, 2009) 44% of rape victims are under age 18 and 80% are under age 30. It is sad to report that every 2 minutes another American is assaulted which leaves an average of 237,868 victims, age 12 or older of sexual assault each year (R.A.I.N 2009). So who is to blame for this growing problem? It would be surprising to hear that many times people blame the victims. This is a growing concern for us all because it has led to a tremendous amount of unreported incidents which leads to the perpetrator roaming the streets waiting to strike again. Rape can lead to have severe traumatization and victim can suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder along with causing psychological harm and has been shown to cause physical injury, or have additional effects on the victim, such as acquiring of a sexually transmitted infection or becoming pregnant. Sadly following a rape, a victim may face violence or threats thereafter from the rapist.
There is a renowned fear factor, but this type of crime cannot go unheard forever. An example of a man reporting a sexual assault charge is a former U.S. Army prosecutor who oversaw sexual assault cases has been found guilty himself of rape charges following a six day court martial. No one is innocent until proven guilty as they say. There are ways and websites to go onto to report these crimes and receive help. Many Americans don not believe that men can be victims also.
Inertwined with rape myths, are subsequent rape scripts. As Ryan (2011) and Clay-Warner and McMahon-Howard (2009) showed, depending what script is prevalent or dominant, reporting rates and overall acknowledgement can be greatly affected. Our understanding of what constitutes a rape or sexual assault needs to significantly change otherwise countless victims will remained silenced. If the understanding of these crimes was broadened, and the acquaintance scenarios taken more seriously, more victims would come forward, report, and get the help they may desperately need, in addition to aiding the legal system in punishing the offender and improve society’s population.
Is anyone truly a stranger to nightmares? Has anyone not woken up in a feverish sweat with a racing pulse or pounding heart? Whose eyes have never wildly searched their room for the phantoms of a dream? Now, what if the familiar consolation of learning it was all in your head never came? How do you wake up from a nightmare that is, in fact, a reality? I think I’m getting ahead of myself. What I mean to say is, I was raped, and rape is a nightmare.
In many rape situations, the victim is raped by an aquaintance, therefore the victim is less likely to report the rape. “About 15 percent of college women report having been sexually assaulted; more than half of these assaults were by a person that the women was dating.”(Kimmel 233) If more than half of the sexual assaults and rapes are commited by a person that a women is dating or at least knows, then the people that are the rapists are the everyday Joe’s walking down the street, not the psychotic rapist that women are on the look out for. “Moreover, 20 to 50 percent of women have sustained sexual coercion at least once while dating.”(Burke et al 272) This statistic shows that when women are in a relationship they are much less likely to report a rape. “Women tend to...