Mafia Conspiracy Theory: A Narrative Fiction

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Who knew that picking up a random piece of cloth would force you into a band, and become part of a mafia conspiracy theory? Six o’clock. Nothing like having an blaring alarm scream into your ear to remind you you’re alive. Quickly pulling off the covers, I head downstairs, being the chirpy kid as I clap my feet together. Or, when looking back at it, the last of my innocence. Turning the sharp turn into the kitchen, I grab the stale bread from the covers, stuffing it into the toaster. Next, I grab the recipe I really wanted to try, and...I lost you already, didn’t I? Okay, so you don’t want to hear about my daily routine. Instead, you might be wondering what kind of trouble I’m brewing in? Be patient. Carrying the breakfast tray upstairs, …show more content…

My body stood in place, frozen as my mind clicked with two scenarios. One, wait for Toby and book it. Or, two, check it out. I barely noticed that Toby rode down and fall straight on his face, nervously laughing and rhetorically asking, “How awesome are we? Awesom-!”
“Shh!” Toby went from laughing to concern within’ seconds. He looked up at me and froze in place. Our eyes met, talking to each other through eye movements. What’s happening? He asked as his brow rose. My eyes darted to the side, pointing to the puddle of dried blood on the ground. Then, Toby notice another thing. He gasped as he quickly stood up, only to be met with a nearby bullet. We both look around as context soon filled the scene.
Someone was down here, and they were shot for one reason or another. They weren’t shot once, no, there were multiple bullets on the ground. Either they kept missing or they shot the poor man four, five- no, eight times. But, where was the body? “Jim, we gotta go, now.” Toby tugged at my arm, and another thought shot through my head. Nobody had call the police yet. “Tobes, this just happened …show more content…

“Wait, what?” Turning towards the voice, the tall figure of Mr. Strickler loomed over me. Thought having a trusting charm, I feel like his director’s attitude would come out if I messed up. Wait, can that attitude come out towards a student or only for band kids? Pulling out his signature pen out of his jacket, he ask, “With Herodotus opinion on his tactics of war, as I’ve described.” Ah. Yes. Of course. I wasn’t listening. I hear Toby panic and quickly click away the tabs, whistling like nothing ever happened. Pretending to appear confident, I answer, “Absolutely!” “Excellent! Which tactics, specifically?” Fuck. “The, uh…” Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-! “Winning ones?” The classroom burst with laughter as the bell rings, Mr. Strickler having a chuckle to himself as well. “Alright, alright!” He tried to calm down the classroom. I quickly try to gather my things, barely hearing what he told us what to study for. “Jim, may I have a word?” Clenching my teeth, I blindy reach for my bag, only to drop it on the floor. Mr. Strickler sighed, helping me pick up my belongings as he says, “Jim, you’re distracted. You fell asleep between the invasion of Attica and the Peace of Nicias, and your attention wander for the rest of class.” “Sorry, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Though it wasn’t the real reason I was distracted, I wasn’t exactly lying either. “I know it’s just you and your mother, and you want to help

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