Madeleine L Engle's A Wrinkle In Time

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In A Wrinkle in Time, it’s about the two forces of good and evil, and how they have different characteristics. Meg, Charles, Calvin and the three Mrs.W’s were on the good side. IT, the darkness, and the man with the red eyes were all evil. Evil does most things for power, whereas good does it out of love. Love is crucial to life because without it people lose a motivation to accomplish things, someone or something to support them; the only benefit of not having love is fewer mistakes from hasty decisions would happen. In A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L’Engle creates the theme by using her characters to show that love is very important, it gives motivation, a support system, but may cause people to act without thinking.

Love makes the good stronger, and the evil weaker, because they are incapable of it. The idea of strength with love is introduced when Meg and Charles wanted their father back because they loved him. Regardless of the fact that they hadn’t seen him for years, they would do anything they could to be with him; love isn’t something that goes away easily. Meg was a very passionate, loving girl, and because of that, she would do anything for her family, which enhances the theme. The theme is shaped more when IT is introduced to …show more content…

When the children meet IT, the man with the red eyes says the only way for Mr.Wallace to be set free was to let IT control Charles. Charles would do anything for his father, so he agrees. Meg, however, doesn’t agree because she can tell that it wasn’t going to end well. Meg believed that it was nearly impossible to free Charles from the control of IT until she is able to talk to Mrs.Whatsit: “ [What I] give you now is nothing you can touch… I give you my love… always” (L’Engle 222). The idea that love can cause problems when people don’t think evolves more when Meg didn’t think much before volunteering to free Charles, but she was

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