Harm De Blij

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Summer Assignment In the book “Why Geography Matters More Than Ever”, the author, Harm de Blij, discusses the importance of geography, how it can affect us in any place or any time, and why it matters. But most importantly, he succeeds to advance our perception of the world’s geography. Throughout the book de Blij highlights the many benefits of being educated about geography. He explains that it is important that we are informed about this topic so we can be more prepared for the events happening around the world. This book illustrates just how essential it is to be well-educated when it comes to geography. Throughout the book, Harm de Blij brings to our attention how illiterate Americans are when it comes to geography. He brings us This is an example of absolute location not to be confused with relative location because here, de Blij uses coordinates to indicate where the capitals are located. “Now the possibility arises that further global warming, speeded up by human pollution of the atmosphere, will cause a further rise in sea levels”(134). This quote is a great representation of human-environment interaction because it demonstrates how our actions as humans can have a large impact on the environment. “The Black Death swept over an already weakened Europe in waves that often killed half the population or more…”(pg 130). This quote provides an example of movement because it shows that not only humans move, other things such as disease, ideas, and recourses travel around just as much. “Just as americans use geographic references such as ‘Midwest’ and ‘Great Plains,’ so do Russians refer to their vast country’s broad physiographic regions”(pg 273-274). Here, de Blij briefly explains what a region is and takes us through some of the regions of Russia. These themes help provide a more organised way of learning about

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