Low Self Esteem Essay

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Do you have low self-esteem?

Are you able to perform tasks assigned to you well? Do you feel happy if given a task at work or do you feel stressed out that you want to back out? Your answers to questions like these will indicate whether you are self-confident or you don’t trust your abilities.

Negative Evaluation of Yourself
Low self-esteem or low self-confidence is not something you would like to have. It puts you in a place where you want to do something but couldn’t convince yourself that you have the capability to do it. Low self-esteem is your negative view of yourself – your lack of trust in your own abilities. This may be attributed to some circumstance encountered in life which touched your sensitivities and as a result have caused you to respond with self-defeating actions. When this happens, you lose your sense of self and become absorbed and focused on the negativities. And what you don’t realize in the process is that despite having a low opinion about yourself or what you can do, there are many ways which can help you change that. There are self-help techniques that can help you recover from such negative evaluation of yourself.

Taking the Test
The first step is to determine if your negative evaluation of yourself is caused by low self-confidence or other reasons. You can consult a professional – a psychologist or psychotherapist, or other allied healthcare providers, for proper diagnosis and determination of your low self-confidence. Another way, which is a lot easier, is by taking self-confidence test, either online or through your psychologist. Such a test is designed to gauge your assessment of yourself – of how you value your capabilities. By answering the questions included in self-confidence test, you beco...

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• Not getting attention
• Being the subject of teasing or ridicule
• Not meeting high expectations of family
• Being told that failed experiences such as poor standing in class or losing a game were failures of their whole self

Impact on Adult Life
Knowingly or unknowingly, your past experiences, especially those that contributed to your low self-confidence continue to impact your daily life even as you grow older. There seems like an “inner voice” that always remind your subconscious mind about the negative experiences you have had in the past. As a result, you are constantly reminded of the unpleasant childhood messages accompanying those experiences. Such inner voice for people with low self-confidence becomes a cruel and unsympathetic critic, driving them to belittle themselves and de-valuate their worth.

Have you taken a self-confidence test in the past?

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