Loneliness On The Need To Belong Research Paper

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The Influence of Loneliness on the Need to Belong:
Activation of Loneliness Stressing the Need to Belong
Humans have a primary desire for forming social bonds with other human beings. Humans form relationships with others without examining the positive and negative outcomes at their first encounter. The need to belong is embedded instinctually within humans. For example, bonds are created in early stages of a human's life, starting at early- childhood, when a child isn't capable of understanding the cost to a relationship he/she is creating (Atwood, 1975). This sense of belonging is then reinforced in a human’s later childhood. Establishing a need to belong is created with a parent (or caregiver) who they are constantly dependant on. Dependence …show more content…

Loneliness can also be an outcome from a number of different factors. Loneliness is defined in an by Inagaki et al. (2016) when a social connection is not being met by another. Brown and Sacco (2017) argue that greater belonging needs lead to searching for others most likely to satisfy that need of social connection. Atwood (1975) states, “Alienation from others and social disconnectedness creates psychological difficulties such as loneliness” (p. 101). According to DeWall, Deckman, Pond and Bonser (2011), because belongingness is a key component of human functioning, loneliness and social exclusion should influence the desire to belong. To the extent that an individual is lonely then there is a greater need for belonging. The purpose of the current work is to prove that loneliness does influence the desire to …show more content…

Situational loneliness refers to unpleasant experiences that someone can encounter such as accidents or disasters (Tiwari, 2013). Developmental loneliness relating to the human instinct of desire to be alike with someone or a group (Tiwari, 2013). Internal loneliness regards personality factors such as low self- esteem and self worth (Tiwari, 2013). All three levels will be encompassing the current work’s definition of loneliness and applying it to the need for belonging. Loneliness is an emotion that every human encounters in their lifetime. Loneliness defined in an by Inagaki et al. (2016) is when a social connection is not being met by another. Brown and Sacco (2017) argue that greater belonging needs lead to searching for others most likely to satisfy that need of social connection.
Russell et al. (1978) created a questionnaire to measure loneliness based on the subjective feelings of loneliness and social isolation such as: social connection, environment, intimacy, connection, and isolation. This measure was factors of all negatively worded items (e.g., “I feel completely alone”). People who score high on this questionnaire are said to have high depression and social isolation issues, and low scores are said to be socially

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