Live Theatre Research Paper

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The Importance of Live Theatre Education Teaching and watching the art of live theatre is often overlooked in schools, yet there are numerous reasons why taking theatre classes or watching live theatre serves an academic and social boost to students. A typical high school’s graduation requirements consists of four years of English, three years of math, science, and social science, and one to no units in the arts. The arts in general are overlooked in schools even though being involved in theatre is the perfect way for students to open up and socialize given that so much of the school day is devoted to note-taking, lectures and various written work. Being a part of a theatre class is an extremely valuable and rewarding aspect of life considering that it …show more content…

Teaching live theatre throughout any level of schooling is valuable to students because they will learn or strengthen valuable skills that will ensure their brains are working efficiently. “One of the most obvious benefits of performing arts is the development of skills in self-presentation. A child must learn how to present him or herself in front of an audience, be it big or small. They develop the ability to converse with adults in a mature manner. Participation in the arts allows them to grow their self-esteem and self-confidence, developing poise and learning to overcome anxieties” (Sivertsen). Students do not get very many opportunities to present themselves in front of an audience other than a possible speech or two in an English class. By participating in a theatre class, a student will perform numerous times in front of their peers and adults which will significantly help them become more confident and grow their self-esteem. Along with performing in front of an audience, during rehearsal

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