Little Support: Motivational Speech Addressed By Victor Rios

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Little support can change a lot
This Tedtalks was delivered by Victor Rios which is a motivational speech about the education system and helping the student on their learning instead of criminalizing them from their mistake and dragging them out of the classroom. He has been studying about significant of student dropout of the school. He also reflects his real-life which add the more flavor to his speech. It was easy to understand that how one supports from someone can change your whole life.

Victor was born in a low-income family background where he didn’t have the right food to eat, beautiful clothes to wear. His family was hunger, homeless sometimes. His father had abandoned him before he was born. Having no any opportunity when he was …show more content…

Russ help he was able to graduate from high school. After graduating from the school, he started college right away and finished leaving a great impression with his professor, friends and other staff he became an idol of school. After few years he starts helping the kids with need in their educational field. There are thousands and thousands of children who have been held back in their education because of not having enough support from their family and their love ones. But instead of putting them in greater risk what if we help their problem with the real solutions. Victor has tried to state that without the education it's almost impossible to do any things in our life. Many students are mentally and economically backed from their educational field. A typical case is getting the bad influence from their family and …show more content…

This was a famous quote delivered by Nelson Mandela. Education is something that works as the light on the darkest path. So, you don’t fall while you're walking down to your destination. Many of thousand haven't got the proper education while they are growing up. When you don't get the proper education at the beginning of your first growing stage than the result will be worse at the end. In every year around 1.2 million students drop out of high school before graduating. Why is this sort of things happening more than it used to be? There are numerous factors which mainly caused the student dropping out of school before they get their high school diploma. Family background, many researchers, have tried to understand the connection between family and the education. Most of the result they found was Family have a greater impact on your study process. How well they support you in your studies, and also it depends on their education background. Are they well educated or doesn’t have any education experience? Because If someone with the education experience in your family it could be your parents, brother, sister whoever you are more likely to have lots of benefits because you will get the support from them, and they are more liable to guide you in your education system. Most of the case two third people

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