The purpose and essential qualities of a focused, thorough and well-designed literature review.
By: Dennis Govender
Course: BTEMC 2
Subject RSMG101
1 Introduction
2 Definition
7 The review process
8 Sources
9 writing the review report
10 evaluate the research review
As part of research there has to be a means of evaluating what is currently known about the topic of research and is performed once the topic and purpose of study has been identified. Brink et al (2012, p.70)
The literature review as a part of the research process is for the researcher to familiarise themselves with the topic and if it should be researched or not. Brink et al (2012, p.70)
The following will outline what makes a focused, thorough and well-designed review instead of one which is fragmented, poorly planned and incomplete.
What is a literature review?
A literature review is performed before research is done as a way to analyse all published that is known about the topic to be researched. It is not a collection of annotations but is a critical analysis of the literature at hand. Brink et al. (2012)
Clarify your topic and purpose of study.
Identify the literature that will be reviewed
The articles and information can be researched using Google scholar or another search engine by using key descriptors of the studies (the descriptors should be noted). The university library can also be of help in this regard. It may also be advisable to search for other literature reviews which have been done. Be sure to include key or landmark studies done.
Analyse the literature
Read over the articles then group them into topics, subtopics and published date.
Define key ter...
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...e to and advance theory, conclusions and implications, suggestions for future research towards the end of the review.
1. Flesh out your outline with details from your analysis
Writing the review
Developing a coherent essay
The author has outlined the qualities of a well-planned effective literature review. The main functions are to provide what is currently known about the research topic, with the gathering of data be it statistics or qualitative data, a context in the conception and implementation of the research by critical evaluation of the data gathered. Finding gaps in the research already done and comparatively analyse the different sources. It should be noted that the review has to be an analysis of the research done and not be just a collection of paragraphs with references as this may be an ineffective way to initiate a research topic.
results of my fieldwork take into account the three disciplines that my literature review is
The very first step to the “Nine Step Stairway to Effective Evaluation” is to define the research population. Population can mean anybody. So, it is needs to be clear as to who we are focusing on. The specification of the focused population is defined by the evaluation researcher. This can include, age, gender, race, culture, or socio-economic status just to name a few (DiClemente et al., 2013).
Identify the hypothesis (testable question) that the study was trying to answer and describe the methods of research used in each study.
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate, furthering into the three methods actually tested.
...g the criteria noted above in the checklists proved in Houser (2015). It has been noted with evaluation that it appears to have the components of adequate criteria for being a credible source and having credible authors. The design of being a qualitative study has been evaluated and contains most of the components of the noted checklist. There are ethical issues that are well documented and weighed. The problem statement and purpose statement have been noted and the literature review was evaluated thoroughly. The sampling strategy is purposeful and explained in depth. The study was compared and is noted that its methods are of trustworthy quality. To optimize EBP is the ultimate goal in conducting a study of this nature. It has been shown that there is a significant amount of knowledge obtained from the study and there is a probable use for this information.
General Electric is a state-of-the-art company that specializes in building excellent appliances from lighting fixtures to kitchen appliances along other products. You will find many of these products in millions of homes and offices, factories, and retail facilities around the world work better. GE has a training and development program that employees can use. This program has enabled GE to remain prosperous since 1892. The General Electric was established by J. P. Morgan and Charles Coffin, G. E. has developed a management strategy that has penetrated the complex boundaries between management stages. Not only does GE have training programs available for its managers and employees, but for their customers as well. G.E’s entry-level leadership and experienced leadership programs have allowed this company to excel. G.E. also believes in having a learning culture. Learning is accomplished at G.E.’s John F. Welch Leadership Development Center. These programs and center have greatly contributed to the success and longevity of G.E.
In the final step of evaluating conclusions, the research community makes an active conversation about what they have discovered, and they write down details about the study. Then, they publish their work in various types of journal in order to let others read and learn from them. In the Katrevich et al. (2014) study, the conclusions were published in North American Journal of Psychology. In this way, scientists can figure out a new idea to be tested or one that will change the thinking about some topics (King, 2016).
Research is defined as systematic investigation in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions (OUP, 2014). The biopsychosocial model has already been described.
The literature review is important to find credible, reliable, and relevant sources that fit the research problem. “To achieve its purpose, the literature review may examine issues of theory, methodology, policy, and evaluation that relate to the effectiveness of a policy or intervention” (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.66). Annotated bibliographies and abstracts also provide information about different sources and this can be helpful for evaluating sources when doing a literature review. “An annotated bibliography includes a summary or evaluation of each of the sources” and when writing one it can help to establish if the sources used are relevant and apply to the research topic that is being investigated. (Stacks, Karper, Bisignani, & Brizee, 2013).
The research question is the first and foremost initial step in the research process, because it defines the expected outcomes and drives the project design. So it should be clear and concise once the research question is formulated, the next is defining the terms and concepts used in the research process. A literature review is needed to clarify issues, gives an understanding to the researcher how others have formulated similar research questions and defines concepts.
one that the review was conducted recently. This means that the article takes into account more
This article hasn’t provided an introduction; however a lengthy summary of the study which identifies the problem, purpose and rationale for the research study has been provided in the background. The introduction should give the reader a general sense of what the document is about, and preferably persuade the reader to continue reading. This prepares the reader for reading the rest of the document (Burns & Grove, 2001 p.636; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002).
In conclusion, it is recommended that further literature reviews be completed to explore study results that supplement or add to information already reviewed.
Now within the rest of this paper you will be finding a few different things getting discussed. Staring it off we will be discussing the articles that we have found to make our arguments and hypotheses. After wrapping up the literature reviews we will be discussing the hypotheses thus continuing onto our variables and indicators. Once we discuss our hypotheses we will be moving onto the research design. The research design will have our general issues, sampling, and methods.
The next chapter deals with the review of literature available in the context of the present study.