Limb Paralysis Essay

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Period 3
Limb Paralysis Limb paralysis is the loss or impairment of movement of the limb as a result of muscle and nerve damage. The one of the most common causes of limb paralysis is a cerebral vascular accident, otherwise known as a CVA or stroke. The loss of movement can be localized and affect only a small area of muscle. It has the ability to affect a large area of muscle referred to as generalized paralysis. Another type of paralysis is unilateral paralysis, which is paralysis of one half of the body. Paralysis can be temporary, sometimes caused by an illness such as Bell’s palsy which causes temporary paralysis of facial muscles. There are many other denominations of paralysis such as partial or complete and spastic or flaccid. Partial paralysis is categorized by partial muscle sensation and function, such as the ability to use one arm and not the other. Complete paralysis is total loss of muscle function. Spastic paralysis is unusual stiffness, involuntary movement and spasms. Flaccid paralysis is when the paralyzed …show more content…

This damage causes paresis which is muscle weakness caused by the reduced efficiency of the brain and nerve cells. This weakness may be a warning of future paralysis. Not all nerve damage is equal. Erb’s palsy is paralysis of the arm caused by injury, the tearing of the C5-C6, which are cranial nerves. It, however, may heal over time or through rehabilitative means such as surgery and/or physical therapy. Tetraplegia is total or partial loss of all four limbs and also includes the torso. It may be either spastic or flaccid and is a result of illness or injury to nerves C1-C7. It is devastating because control and sensation are both lost. The afflicted person may have difficulty controlling autonomic functions such as breathing, digestion and control of the

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