Physical Disability Essay

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The disability that I would the least comfortable socially interacting with would be a physical disability. Our current society is one that values physical appearances. At a young age, family and friends tell children they have to act and look a certain way in order for others to like them. The media shows young boys and girls what a “hot” person looks like, and what they can do in order to look more like them. A physical disability would affect the image one is to present to society, and that can be emotional scarring. “When physical appearance is altered as a result of disability, the body falls further away from the expectations of society and body image, and the attitude one has toward the physical self may decline and affect self-image” I would be competing against the models shown on magazines and commercials that are “able-bodied” and deemed “beautiful” by others. A key difference between men and women when it comes to picking a date or partner is that women focus more on personality and how the men make us feel, and men focus on physical appearances. In the dating scene I would be at a disadvantage; my priorities would have to change so I could focus on my strengths rather than my limitations. My partner would have to see past my physical disability and be fine with the new person I become. The disability I would be the most comfortable socially interacting with would be a sensory disability, specifically hearing impairment. The Deaf community has a strong identity and does not view itself as disabled. An important reason for their success is explained in studies that prove “individuals consistently reclaim their own disabilities in such studies due to the fact that they are familiar and have adapted to their situation” (pg. 490). I would become accustomed to my new situation and come up with strategies to integrate myself back into Two common stereotypes are that “most gay people can be cured by engaging in heterosexual sex” (pg. 444) and that “people with disabilities are perpetual children…” (pg. 37). The stereotypes are formed due to lack of education and communication. It is assume that people, who are gay, are gay because they were curious to have sexual relationships with the same sex and never had the opportunity to try it with the opposite sex. The assumption made is if a gay individual were to have heterosexual sex then they would see what they missed out on and would be “cured”. Rather then seeing homosexuality as a choice an individual made, it is viewed a disease that the individual needs help getting rid of. Depending on the severity of the disability people with disabilities need the assistance of others with certain tasks. For example a person with a cognitive disability would need assistance feeding themselves because they may not be able to follow cooking instructions or they are not able work the stove. In this circumstance the individual would be seen as a child because they cannot feed themselves. The same individual could have great organization or memory skills that’s allows them to hold an office job. The person would need assistance making food but other than that they could take care of themselves, just as any other adult can. Upon meeting a person with disability the first thing

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