Limb Lengthening Essay

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Limb lengthening surgery has come a long way since the days of the first procedures that took place in the early 1950's. What a ground-breaking idea it was to lengthen limbs. This surgery meant freedom for people who were afflicted with crippling disabilities. For those who had suffered the debilitating disease of polio - to congenital limb defects or dwarfism, the hope of having straight, longer limbs was a God-send.

With the invention of the external fixator by an orthopedic surgeon from Russia, it manually pulled apart the patient's bone to increase height. This procedure was successfully used during WWII, for veterans who had leg fractures that would not heal.
The surgery
Leg lengthening surgery is done by cutting the bone and over …show more content…

Bone infection can be as serious condition where bacterial invades the bone. This can be through the bloodstream or by the bacteria entering through the outer surface of the leg. Left untreated, or if the bacteria does not respond to other treatment, damage to the local blood supply may occur. Certain disease processes can contribute to the likelihood and seriousness of bone infection. If the infection is treated unsuccessfully by other means, surgery may be recommended. The infected area of bone is where the cut is made and the infected area removed.
Cerebral palsy. In some cases, those who suffer from cerebral palsy are able to gain additional mobility when they make the decision for leg lengthening surgery. This procedure can improve the patient's well-being and ability for movement.
Congenital defect. Congenital defects can be corrected or improved by a leg lengthening surgical process. When a congenital defect results in a shorter limb, surgery is the only successful method of treatment to lengthen it. Leg lengthening surgery is the procedure of choice to achieve equalization of limbs.
Dwarfism. Extremely short limbs and bowed legs can make it difficult for people to perform daily tasks. Leg lengthening surgery can not only help straighten legs but also add inches that will make daily routines easier to help them lead more normal

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