Case Study Lightville Community School

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This case study is a situation from Case Studies on Educational Administration (Kowalski, 2011). The background information is listed below. Lightville Community School District decided to build a new middle school. The choice to build the school was controversial; the district growth rate remained moderate, but there was existing debate and other popular options were presented to the stakeholders. The final decision to build the new facility via a bond election passed with a slight majority of the voters in the community. Susan Potter was hired by Lightville Community School District as the new middle school principal. Her employment began a year before the school opened which gave Ms. Potter the opportunity to oversee construction, hire staff, and determine extra-curricular programs. She also determined curriculum and instructional practices. Ms. Potter was a visionary leader; her goal, as an administrator, was to unite her new team and involve the parents of her students. She formed a committee and asked them to develop the schools vision, mission, and values. While she intended to be a member of the committee, she did not want to chair the committee. She did …show more content…

Potter should involve Ms. Burke in the process. Even though she was initially reluctant, Ms. Burke has emerged as a leader and is the acting chair of the committee. Ms. Burke should review the documents and provide input based on her attendance at the brainstorming sessions. Final changes can be made to the documents and they can be prepared for the committee’s review. The entire group can review the documents and critique the content. Ms. Potter might consider providing copies of other schools’ philosophies, values and missions for comparison. Once the committee approves the guiding principles, she needs to set up a plan for reviewing them. As the school and community change over time, they will need to be updated (Education World,

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