Life In Alaska Research Paper

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Life in Alaska vs. Life in Ohio Living in different places takes many roles on people. Destinations such Alaska are always cold and on the other hand in Ohio people experience many different types of weather on a weekly pattern. Living in Ohio my whole life, I can relate to that very well because one day it could be sunny outside and then the next day it would be snowing. Once you are accustomed to living in a place for a long time, the weather and situation you have to take are not unusual anymore. Weather does not stop people from doing Alaskan’s daily routines, takes a toll on cars and other utilities, and Ohioans are used to experiencing many different weather patterns throughout a week's time. Weather does not stop people from doing their daily routines. In the article, “Even in Alaska, temps as low as -59 are hard to handle”, it mentions that kids go to recess when it is still minus twenty degrees and the kids do not …show more content…

When the weather gets so cold, objects take different shapes and start to act differently just like people do. In the article, “Even in Alaska, temps as low as -59 are hard to handle”, it states “Tires flatten on the bottom, leading to a bumpy ride until they snap back into shape. Changing a tire, and spinning a metal lug nut, can frostbite a bare finger. If a furnace fails, water pipes can freeze and then burst when they're thawed.” The article also mentions that it is nearly impossible to cook when it gets so cold because the propane will start acting up and they have to cook with what they have to get by. The houses in Alaska are matted with insulation to try and get much warm air in as possible so utilities do not break and and it doesn't slow Alaskan natives down. In Ohio, the weather has never been so cold that we have major problems that cause us not to be able to cook or stay warm in on our houses, but natives of Alaska are used to having problems when the weather gets so

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