Climate Change Essay

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Based on the impacts on a coastal location near point Barrow, Alaska which impacts to the ecological, heath, fresh water and societal life. Increasing temperatures in the next 25 years sea thawing permafrost coastal erosion flooding other climate change. Scientist predict that over the next century the temperature increase will be twice as much over the long term norm as it is now. Statewide average annual temperatures could rise from current levels by as 5 to 13 degrees, an average winter temperature could rise by as much as 22 degrees F in certain locations. Climate change is unavoidable, it’s already under way, and the observable effects are likely to increase with time. In the next century, predict changes of 3 to 10 degrees F. small changes in temperature will cause big changes to life on earth. With planning we can minimize the potential harm from coming changes and in some cases even find opportunities. Most planning for future climate change adaption is simply a matter of addressing current effects of weather extremes. The impacts of climate change are diverse, and vulnerabilities differ across regions and sectors.
With global warming on the increase and species habitats on the decrease, the chances for various ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. Many studies have pointed out that the rates of extinction of animal and plant species and the temperature changes around the world since the industrial revolution have been significantly different to normal expectations.
Climate change is not often the sole cause of increases in the burden of climate sensitive health outcomes, but it interacts with other public health stresses. The increasing extent and rate of climate change means it is expected to be a major health...

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...ate change impacts can be exacerbated by social and economic factors such as economic status, race, gender, age, ethnicity, and health. Similarly, ecosystems that are degraded or depleted due to other environmental factors such as pollution, over-harvesting, and habitat destruction, have lower resilience to climate change. Federal agencies should put a high priority on identifying who is most vulnerable and plan accordingly.
Climate change is influence the health of Alaskans in a variety of ways changes in the environment and ecology are resulting in new or increase threats to water quality or quantity as well of changes in the incidence of certain human and animal conditions. Rural and indigenous communities are faced with growing concerns over economic, health and cultural impacts due to climate change related declines in the availability of plant and animals

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