Learning Foreign Language Essay

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Languages stretch across the world, but they are not without barriers. Translators and teachers work to give people the opportunity to cross those barriers. In America, a second language is usually required in high school but not highly sought after. The education system focuses more on math and science than foreign languages. There are many benefits of learning a second language, whether for work or pleasure. American society should encourage more people to learn a foreign language because it improves communication skills, memory and attention span, and opens up job opportunities.

Humans would not function the same without communication. Sign language, written language, spoken language, and more, make interactions and events easier in daily life. At its best, communication skills can make people more confident in themselves. Practicing words in another language can help people overcome their embarrassment in public speaking and conversations. The repeated memorization in learning a language improves speech and vocabulary that makes for better dialogue in any language. Practicing with friends is also an effective way to learn, sharpening
Many people don’t have the opportunity available to spend time in learning a second language. Although, the benefits outweigh the costs. Just five minutes a day spent learning is enough to create an informed, perceptive person. The benefits are the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering a second language and the ability to communicate with people in a different culture. Schools and business will always need translators and teachers, therefore, it should encourage its students and workers to pick up a second language and create opportunities. The act of studying a foreign language improves the lives of people in their day-to-day exchanges, intelligence, and creates more chances of landing a job. There are infinite reasons to learn a foreign

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