Lean In: Sheryl Sandberg

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Leadership takes courage, influence change, taking time to understand personal values, processing feelings effectively, efficiently working in teams, communicating openly and seeking growth. A quote taken from a well – known leader who inspired women to follow their dreams and pursue their goals through equality and courage saying “In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” Sheryl Sandberg a chief operating officer of Facebook and best-selling author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to lead, who shaped the full concept of a female leadership potentials and abilities will be the main character of this report.

Sheryl Sandberg is a women who made her mark in the business field and society …show more content…

In Sandberg’s words, the questions is “What would you do, if you weren’t afraid?”
Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C. She studied in Harvard, majored in economics. Her studies of economics comes through a feminist lens, where she focused on the role that economic inequality plays and founded a group called Women in Economics and Government, which was created to get more women to major in government and economics.
Sandberg worked for Summers at first for two years and then enrolled at Harvard Business School again to get her M.B.A. Google’s mission of making the world’s information freely available is what Sandberg found to be interesting about the company, Google however showed interest on Sandberg and signed her to work as Google’s vice president of global online sales & operations. She was also responsible for managing online sales of advertising and publishing products beside Google’s books. With her hard work and professional success the growing reputation of Sandberg made her one of the top executives in the …show more content…

The book addressed a central issue of male dominated leadership in the business field and suggested solutions written based on her own personal stories using research, and offering advice to help women achieve their goal. Therefore, Sandberg suggested that the most effective way is for women to find careers they love and have ambition to reach the top of a leadership structures. In addition, she mentioned the importance of marrying someone who will be supportive of a woman’s ambition, both at home and at work, and an equal partner in actualizing that vision.
Therefore, she solved the issue of male dominated leadership through defining the problem, suggest strategies for improvement, and guide working women to help change the professional climate. Her workplace perspective is about relationship coaching as she is making women and men equal partners in family and professional life which in her opinion will help in create a “work-life balance”. “A truly equal world would be one where women ran half of our countries and companies and men ran half our homes. I believe this would be a better world.” She hopes that her book will inspire both genders and help in prioritizing

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