Late 1800s And Early 1900s: A Brief History Of Fashion Artists

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Fashion has a constant personality because it does not stop at all, and it always finds new things. From clothing styles to accessories, lines, materials, and models, it is treated as boring and outdated when it becomes used to it. As long as fashion designer exists, there exists a fashion illustrator. The history of fashion illustration has been around for about 500years. Cultural changes, as well as technological development, have an impact on the way the artists draw Illustrations. The late 1800s and early 1900s was the period of industrial revolution and the Victorian era and was regarded as a golden era of illustration. Fashion was a tool for identification. Fashion illustration consisted of figures wearing exaggerated, ostentatious look such as curvaceous corsets, chemisette, a skirt decorated with embroideries, ribbons in this period. Mostly fashion illustrations were painted black and white and draw realistic proportions and a waist was highlighted. Models’ pose in the illustrations was stiff and unnatural. In particular, ready-made clothes were produced for the first time in the early 1900s because …show more content…

Her styles were chic and simple. There were more curvaceous figures in fashion illustration because of body-conscious and romantic looks. They cared more about functional aspects than aesthetic ones. Brilliant hues and vibrant colors that also combined silver and gold were used instead of pastel colors. There were the number of features in the fashion illustration that was flat with shadowing and characterless faces. Also, most models posing in the illustration were simple. There were notable fashion illustrators: Coco Chanel, Dior, Alfredo Boiret, Jeanne Lanvin, Madeleine Vionnet, Elsa Schiaparelli, Hardy

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