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Kasus pembobolan Bank BNI menjadi isu yang mengejutkan masyarakat Indonesia di akhir tahun 2003, dimana Bank BNI mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp 1,7 triliun yang diduga terjadi karena adanya transaksi ekspor fiktif melalui surat Letter of Credit (disingkat L/C). Kasus ini menjadi fenomenal karena selain merugikan keuangan Bank BNI tetapi juga berimbas pada keuangan negara secara makro.
A. Profil Singkat Bank BNI
Bank BNI didirikan pada tahun 1946. Perusahaan publik ini mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Bank BNI merupakan bank terbesar nomor 3 di Indonesia setelah Bank Mandiri dan BCA dengan total aset pada tahun 2003 sebesar IDR. 131,49 triliun.
Menjadi Bank kebanggaan nasional yang unggul dalam layanan dan kinerja
Memaksimalkan stakeholder value dengan menyediakan solusi keuangan yang fokus pada segmen pasar korporasi, komersial dan konsumer
Budaya Perusahaan
1. BNI adalah bank umum berstatus perusahaan publik.
2. BNI berorientasi kepada pasar dan pembangunan nasional.
3. BNI secara terus menerus membina hubungan yang saling menguntungkan dengan nasabah dan mitra usaha.
4. BNI mengakui peranan dan menghargai kepentingan pegawai.
5. BNI mengupayakan terciptanya semangat kebersamaan agar pegawai melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban secara profesional.
B. Ringkasan Kasus
Awal terbongkarnya kasus menghebohkan ini tatkala BNI melakukan audit internal pada bulan Agustus 2003. Dari audit itu diketahui bahwa ada posisi euro yang gila-gilaan besarnya, senilai 52 juta euro. Pergerakan posisi euro dalam jumlah besar mencurigakan karena peredaran euro di Indonesia terbatas dan kinerja euro yang sedang baik pada saat itu. Dari audit akhirnya diketahui ada pembukaan L/C yang amat besar dan negara bakal rugi lebih satu triliun rupiah.
Penjelasan mengenai L/C fiktif BNI tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :
- Waktu kejadian : Juli 2002 s/d Agustus 2003
- Opening Bank : Rosbank Switzerland, Dubai Bank Kenya Ltd, The Wall Street Banking Corp, dan Middle East Bank Kenya Ltd.
- Total Nilai L/C : USD.166,79 juta & EUR 56,77 juta atau sekitar Rp. 1,7 trilyun
- Beneficiary/Penerima L/C : 11 perusahaan dibawah Gramarindo Group dan 2 perusahaan dibawah Petindo Group
- Barang Ekspor : Pasir Kuarsa dan Minyak Residu
- Tujuan Ekspor : Congo dan Kenya
- Skim : Usance L/C
Kronologi :
1. Bank BNI Cabang Kebayoran Baru menerima 156 buah L/C dengan Issuing Bank : Rosbank Switzerland, Dubai Bank Kenya Ltd, The Wall Street Banking Corp, dan Middle East Bank Kenya Ltd. Oleh karena BNI belum mempunyai hubungan koresponden langsung dengan sebagian bank tersebut di atas, mereka memakai bank mediator yaitu American Express Bank dan Standard Chartered Bank.
2. Beneficiary mengajukan permohonan diskonto wesel ekspor berjangka (kredit ekspor) atas L/C-L/C tersebut di atas kepada BNI dan disetujui oleh pihak BNI.
What do you understand by the phrase “stakeholder analysis”? Attempt a stakeholder analysis of an organisation that you are closely associated with.
One of the ways Pritchard (2008) defines learning styles is “A particular way in which an individual learns” (p. 41). This is the most basic way to describe what learning style is. Since each and every person is different in their own way, they each have a particular way of learning. Luckily the different styles of learning have been identified and can help aid anyone seeking knowledge in advancing their learning style. The 7 learning styles identified today are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, logical, social and solitary ( 2004). The most common of these 7 styles, that people identify with is visual style. Visual learners learn best by seeing information versus verbally receiving it. If information can be displayed in a picture or diagram the visual learner is more likely to absorb and understand the information in that way. Another common style of learning is by physically doing or kinesthetic. Auditory le...
Learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge through different means such as studying or through experience. There exist several ways of learning, and each individual is different in the way through which they learn best. Some of the ways of learning include visualizing, listening, read/write, and through kinesthetic (Nilson, 2010). Visualizing is whereby an individual learns best through diagrams used to represent information that would otherwise be represented through words. Such diagrams include graphs, maps, patterns, or hierarchies. Listening or aural learning, on the other hand, is whereby persons acquire information through listening. Such people are able to learn as a lecturer speaks or through group discussions. In turn, the read/write learning style is whereby an individual is able to acquire information through reading and writing. Finally, kinesthetic is whereby a person learns best through experience and practice such as experiments. The VARK analysis is used to determine which learning style a person gives preference to while learning (Ravenscroft, 2012).
Hence, the stakeholders which are described as those who are affected by the organisation performance ,actions and duties and those actions includes employees, clients, local community and investors as well. The theory of stakeholders also suggests that it is the responsibility of firm to make sure no rights of stakeholders are dishonoured and make decisions in the interest of stakeholders which is also the purpose of stakeholder theory to make more profit and balancing it while considering its stakeholders (Freeman 2008 pp. 162-165). In the other words organisation must also operates in a more socially accountable approach by carrying out corporate social responsibility as (CSR) activities.
Regarding to organizational stakeholders, there are three main groups of stakeholders: customers, employees and investors. The company attempts to link stakeholders’ needs and expectations to the company’s goals. For customers, the company must treat them fairly and honestly. For employees, the company needs to treat them fairly, make them a part of the company and respect their needs. For investor, managers should comply with the accounting procedure, do not manip...
The data provided by the Near East Bank for the purposes of this study not only included 10 years of data (2004-2013) but also rendered all figures in 2013 USD. To facilitate calculation, these figures were then rendered into millions of USD. For reasons of privacy, the Near East Bank did not send identified data, as private banks in TRNC are not obligated to disclose their financial data to any party other than the Central Bank of TRNC itself.
This could consist of text with instructions, audio stating the skill, a video demonstrating the skill, advice on how to improve skills or doing a self-assessment. In these type of styles, students or learners uses different styles, as one learning style is not enough to provide the all sufficient knowledge For example, Patient A used the VARK analysis; Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinesthetic and Multimodal. This analysis was produced by Neil Fleming. This method was helpful in understanding the preferred learning styles for Patient A. Patient A took the VARK 16 question-exam and determined which learning styles were defined. This article describes the learning style for Patient A, comparing preferred
Stakeholders’ analysis is the analysis which tells that how the company is dealing with the people which are directly or indirectly related with the company’s operations. These are called stakeholder and they include the employee, society, suppliers, buyers, shareholders, got and other tax related companies.
Throughout this chapter I have learned that there are several different learning styles, each relating to an individual’s learning ability. The Learning Styles Charts helps to determine an individual’s learning style. This chart measures three learning styles: visual learner (sees to learn), the auditory learner (hears to learn), and the kinaesthetic learner (moves to learn). An auditory learner prefers to learn or learns best by listening. This type of learner will be best able to perform a new task after listening to the instructions. The visual learner learns more easily by reading. All types of visual materials, pictures, symbols, colours, shapes text etc. make it easier for this type of learner to learn. The kinaesthetic – tactile learner likes the physical movement and learns best with the hands on approach ( After I completed some Learning Styles questionnaires I was categorized as having a mild preference towards the visual learning style. I would tend to agree with this assessment as I am a person who loves to read. I will always read the instructions
This paper explores about the case of Bank Century that happen in 2008, in that case Bank Century get injected money from Bank Indonesia because of several reasons, one of the reasons is because there are a lot of customers want to withdraw their money, and those customers could withdraw any of their money. Moreover, this paper will explain how and why that problem happen and what is the government do to facing that problem.
An aural learning preference means I prefer to learn by listening to lectures or discussing topics out loud which explains why once I found my results I researched online and found a YouTube video by The Little Genius Workshop, 2018, further clarifying my learning preferences. My second learning preference is kinesthetic or hands on learning by role playing, demonstrations or learning through actively processing concrete information, The Little Genius Workshop, 2018. Depending on what it is I am learning, I also scored as a multimodal learning preference which means I may use more than one or all four categories to learn something.
The social construction theory claims that gender, along with gender inequalities, are conceived by society and are not innate (Klement lecture notes September 27 2016). Instead of agreeing that gender and its inequalities are biologically determined, this theory explores how society, culture and norms influence our understanding of the variances between masculinity and femininity and govern our practices, customs and rules concerning the way we “perform” our gender.
When using performance management to improve an organisation’s productivity you need to first decide who is the focus of the organisation’s long term goals, are they focusing on Shareholders or Stakeholders. The Shareholder approach focuses on the profit to the shareholders, no other factors need to be considered aside from the bottom line profits. The Stakeholder approach is a well-rounded, balanced approach to management, considering more than just how much money the organisation makes.
Gender discrimination in a workplace refers to beliefs and attitudes in relation to the gender of a person at work. It is well-defined as adverse action again another person that would not have occurred had the person been another sex. Sexual discrimination should not be scrambled with sexual aggravation, although it is a form of sexual discrimination. Unfortunately, men and women face sex discernment. Women are one of the groups being discriminated against today. They try very hard to fit in and be successful in their careers. In Audre Lorde article on human differences, Age, class, sex and race, she also saw human difference could result as difference in sex. In this research, I was able to determine discernment against women is found in many workplaces. Some managers try to fix this problem, but others just ignore it. Companies that pretend that gender discrimination doesn’t exist are usually the ones that get sued for it most. Other companies try to avoid law suits by dealing with sex discrimination and resolving fights before it gets to the law suits. Promotion and pay gap are the main concerns in gender discrimination. Many studies in the past and present have shown that women do not get promoted as fast as men and do not get the equal pay for the same kind of jobs as men. Many females feel as if they have been cheated, robbed of what they deserve. Glass ceiling prevents women from moving up in their careers, and in some cases makes it almost unbearable to get a promotion. In my opinion, female workers in the U.S. should be treated equally at work as their male coworkers. Females should be paid the same wages for the same skil...
“Our gender are determined by biological, psychological and sociological factors”( Kenyon,2006), right from young age, children learn what is masculine or feminine by observing and imitating their parents, guardian’s and