Lao-Te Ching Essay

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“The Tao-te Ching is as much about good government as it is moral behavior.” (Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching 203.) The points Lao-tzu was trying to get across can be interpreted in many ways… But ultimately it resulted in a form of guidance given to us. Understanding how to be a good leader is beneficial to everyone. Good leadership is a great characteristic to have, and learning ways of minimizing the power you have as a leader is going to be the key to the Tao. Being able to identify the means of Lao-tzu’s teachings will help an individual such as a political leader to limit power, also by understanding his word it can help individuals overcome obstacles, lastly his teachings can influence a society to learn respect for one another.
Lao-tzu's …show more content…

/ Humility gives it its power." (Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching 213 line 53.)
Some key points Lao-tzu addressed are selfless actions lead to a happier life. Going through life in a calm and collective manner will show others to respect you; not being controlling will allow for better personal relationships in life.
Lao-tzu explains how a political leader should govern a state:
"The master leads / by emptying people’s minds / and filling their cores, / by weaking their ambition / and toughening their resolve. / He helps people lose everything / they know, everything they desire, / and creates confusion / in those who think that they know." (Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching 206 line 2.)
Lao-tzu makes us understand the correct way leadership works. He wants political leaders to direct their people without repression. He is not forceful, demanding, or aggressive; instead he is nurturing. The leader who can give his people free choice not only trusts his people but he trusts himself. Dominance becomes the reason for disaster, without dominance people find peace. Governing to strict and doing things against the wish of your people can cause them to lose their trust and respect towards you. Follow the rules of the Tao-te Ching and one becomes a true leader. Knowing that the people of your nation will make mistakes and allowing for it to happen will only benefit you in the

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