Aphorism Eight In Tao Te Hughes

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Lao-tzu's aphorism eight in Tao Te Ching is a simplicity to truth and freedom within a person's life. I agree with Lao-tzu’s writings and hope to adhere to them in my life. To procure a serenity within myself sounds like hard work, but the peace of mind of releasing all that weight off my shoulders could be such a reprieve. I hope, just after reading some of Lao-tzu’s poetry, I am more knowledgeable about the attainment of such a life. And I also hope others will become more aware of his ideas with acceptance and an open mind. I've had experiences with comparing myself to others as long as I can remember. As a woman, I constantly struggle with questions like, “Am I as pretty as her?” or “Why am I so stupid?” and no one's reassurance has have

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