«La principale erreur de notre temps est de chercher en toute chose la vitesse. »
Expliquez voire discuter cette idée en vous servant d’exemples précis.
Nous sommes au siècle de la vitesse, le monde grouille, fourmille, s’agite pour concurrencer, moderniser, produire…Nous sommes entraînés dans une spirale qui s’accélère sans cesse. En essayant d’aller toujours plus vite, de gagner toujours plus de temps, ne faisons-nous pas le contraire, ne perdons-nous pas l’essentiel de la vie en essayant d’aller toujours plus vite?
Tout d’abord examinons la vitesse dans les transports, celle qui tue plusieurs millions de personnes par an. Cette vitesse est néfaste tout d’abord car elle cause plus de 50% des accidents meurtriers. De plus le temps gagné sur les routes est surévalué( de l’ordre de 6 min quand on roule en continu à 150 km/h au lieu de 130km/h pendant 100 kilomètres), enfin la tension et la fatigue accumulées ne valent pas les quelques minutes épargnées. Cette course à la vitesse a pu grâce à la technologie moderne profiter de moyens encore plus rapides et encore plus inhumains tel que le métro. Les gens qui prennent le métro pensent gagner du temps mais en réalité ils en perdent, car au lieu de prendre leur temps pour avoir un trajet plaisant, passer à pied dans des endroits qui leur sont agréables, seul pour se relaxer ou à plusieurs, d’une façon conviviale. Le temps du trajet même s’il est plus long ne serait pas perdu à attendre, être bousculer ou s’énerver.
Cette phobie de la perte du temps, est d’autant mieux illustré par le succès des «fast foods», ce terme désigne un mode de restauration rapide où les aliments sont préparés et servis dans un minimum de temps grâce à des techniques et des opérations planifiées. L’exemple le plus connu de ces restaurants rapides est le «Mac Donald», importé des états unis, on y mange vite et pour un prix très bas. Mais ce type de restaurants favorisent la vitesse au détriment du goût et de la qualité. De la même manière les individus qui vont manger dans ces restaurants perdent le meilleur du repas, au lieu de vivre celui-ci comme un temps de pause dans une journée effrénée, le vivent encore comme un stress au milieu des bousculades, s’en prendre le temps de goûter aux bonnes choses que la vie nous offre mais qu’il faut prendre le temps de savourer.
Cette obsession de vitesse se traduit aussi par un besoin de changer sans cesse: on change de voitures, de vêtements, de loisirs, de milieu…Cette soif de nouveauté jamais tarie.
After a long day in school and studying, every student needs a night off to just relax and enjoy a meal at a restaurant. In this modern time, some aspects of a restaurant can be the deciding choice. Many choose their restaurant of choice based on either those they are with, their personal, cultural appetite, their routine eating habits or their mood. Some of these preferences are similar yet others are the deciding differences. Two common franchise restaurants that pose differences are Applebee’s and Olive Garden. These two restaurants present their differences in environmental and food options causing a choice between them.
The novel is nurtured with a very soft but sophisticated diction. The essay itself portrays the author’s style of sarcasm and explains his points in a very clear manner. In addition, the author has used vocabulary that is very easy to understand and manages to relate the readers with his simplistic words. The author is able to convey a strong and provoc...
The essay is written in a very critical style where the reader will feel like they have been wast...
The warming atmosphere is one of a kind. Behind the counter are the caring faces of not just a worker, but a friend. Regular guests are called by name, sharing stories of families and the past week with the welcoming employees. Sitting all around in tables and booths are patrons from every category. Beside the window on a high table to the left is a lawyer, to the right is a mother and her two kids. In a booth in the back is a construction worker still covered slightly in concrete from a road job he had been working on back on 19th Street. All of these, enjoying a delicious meal of their special combination.
It matters who the makers of scientific knowledge are because their background knowledge, values, and concepts determine their choices about what they investigate and observe. The Feminist Critique is the argument among feminist scientists and philosophers that the lack of diversity among scientists is responsible for biases in the natural and social sciences (Barker & Kitcher, 2014). In the 20th century, scientists realized that they were not as objective as they thought, which lead to this idea.
UIC 2008, High Speed Rail: Fast Track to Sustainable Mobility, UIC, Paris, viewed 3 May 2011, < http://www.uic.org/IMG/pdf/20101124_uic_brochure_high_speed.pdf>.
When people have owned a gun for some time they often forget that they still have to take precautions for their safety and other people’s safety. In order to teach minors about gun safety, you must educate yourself on the use of firearms and firearm safety. With the increase of gun purchases, the majority of them are inexperienced and uneducated buyers.
There are several types of firearms, it is important to know the fundamentals on how a firearm operates. The first firearm was invented in China during the 13th century A.D., soon after the invention of black powder(Gunpowder). Soon after a few
The focus of this assessment is outlining the nature of the proposed high speed railway and its environmental impact on the C...
This paper will cover the reflection on a class interview for a senior social worker intern. The teacher gave every student ten minutes to complete the interview. The social worker intern was prepared for the interview. She found out her scenario just minutes before the interview. This paper will focus on the limits of confidentiality for the client, potential assessment for the client, engagement with the client, and evaluation of the social worker.
We have all heard the warnings of the negative effects on health and on the environment caused by tobacco smoke from nonsmokers and their anti-smoking campaigns. These campaigns give nonsmokers a way to voice their right to breathe clean air and to protect their health and the environment. We have seen how society, businesses, and government have taken action to promote a smoke free society and to accommodate the nonsmokers’ rights. On the other hand, we hear from smokers that claim that their personal rights are being infringed upon by society, businesses and government while they cater to nonsmokers. Should a concept of smokers’ rights be recognized? And whose rights are more important? Another question being raised in this issue is, “do smoking bans have a negative effect on the economy/business owners?” Since choosing not to smoke has no effect on personal health, the environment or others, and smoking will always negatively affect all of those things, any rights that smokers have should not be placed before the rights of nonsmokers, it seems. The basis of this controversy is the use of Mill’s Harm Principle and Utilitarianism by society and government.
“Numerous families will not even reheat foods, and make only plentiful for one meal. This is mostly to avoid ‘waste’, but also to ensure freshness since refrigeration is presented only in wealthier houses. Still, with urbanization, increasing incomes, more employed women, the coming of large food multinationals, and a proliferation of fast food outlets, acceptance of packed food products is
CHANGING PREFRECE depended vastly on the fast food manus. For example we can mention about SALAD. Now salad was never considered as a part of fast food menu. But with the change of taste and preference, fast food chains like Windy, Taco Bell, and McDonald have introduced SALAD into their menus. This preference is not stopping only with salads. In 2002, McDonald’s introduced great tasting new products including premium salads, n salads plus menu; Chicken McNuggets made with white meat; Fish McDippers; Chicken Selects; and new breakfast offerings like the McGriddle sandwiches. Here as a fast food chain, McDonald did not have to introduce new dishes in their menus but with the impression and image in the market analysis, of increasing demand and chan...
It covered various ways in which social workers are accountable in practice situation. Social workers are accountable to many groups; the government, society, employers, colleagues, service users, etc. Accountability is very complex area and we spent some time trying to unpack the complexities. A question was posed; “who are social workers accountable to from the list above? Are they accountable to service users the most than others on the list? We were asked to answer the question by using our case study from the formative essay. In a conflict situation as seen in the case study, social workers have to revert back to the professional or organisational codes of ethics or policies. That way they would have been seen to have applied equity in terms of carrying out their professional duty. Building a friendship with service user does not mean social workers should negate their duty. I learnt that the skill of separating professional relationship and friendship is important in social work
...n has contributed to a significant decrease in the prevalence of smoking related diseases. Although the smoking ban seems to be effective, some pro-smoking arguments consider it to be rather extreme. The government can come to a compromise that is beneficiary to both smokers and non-smokers. The smoking ban can be reviewed such that it permits large buildings to have designated indoor smoking areas and smoking licenses can be issued for buildings with proper ventilations. Smoking is a lifestyle choice and although it may pose possible harm to healthy living, smokers should not be treated as pariahs but rather should be encouraged to live a more healthy life. The government should also make efforts to create awareness of the dangers smoking is likely to cause to the younger generations. Stigmatization is dangerous for any individual and should not be encouraged.