La Mission Film Analysis

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La Mission in many senses, is a coming of age story, not so much for the son as it is for the father. The film takes place in the San Francisco’s Mission District where a reformed inmate and recovering alcoholic named Che, resorts to violence and intimidation to get what he wants. He restores cars as a passion and a hobby to keep him out of trouble with his neighborhood friends. Soon his world is crushed when he finds out that is only son is homosexual. The film critiques Chicano men whose culture is revolved around conservativism, domination, and violence. Che represents the patriarchal culture, and like that culture, is at the verge of great change. He can either maintain old habits and attitudes, or he can adapt, grow and mature. Coming out stories are not new, but in this particular film, it is told through a Latino perspective, something rarely viewed. The majority of Mexican and Mexican Americans are Catholic where many are devoted spiritually and follow the ways of the bible. When it comes to the topic of homosexuality, it is usually something …show more content…

Che is a “father who is rigid, immovable, impervious to change, and close-minded.” (Najera). In the Mexican culture, men are seen as macho and strong, not letting a no be an answer; they must always get their way. With religious affiliations and male dominance, it has set standards in the Mexican/Chicano community of what is right and wrong. In a study conducted by the department of psychology at the University of California Davis, they discovered that “U.S residents of Mexican descents will express more negative attitudes toward homosexuality to the extent that they are highly religious.” Che was always seen praying and mentioning the Virgin Mary when he was in a troubled situation various times throughout the film. His devotion to religion made him believe that the rules set by God are the only rules that exist in the world which must be followed exactly; love between a man and woman. In that same

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