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In the spring of 1866, A year after the civil war had ended; Six confederate veterans formed a social club in the town of Pulaski, Tennessee. Just out of the war and looking for excitement they formed a secret society which they named the Ku Klux Klan. The name came from the Greek word Kuklos, meaning circle.
This small group started as a harmless fun loving group, developed into one of the largest, most violent groups in American History. The original group only lasted a few years, and left a permanent impression, rituals that people today still use. Klan supporters saw the group as a protector of a certain way of life and the white race. The original Klan shut down in 1872.
On Thanksgiving Night 1915, The Klan struck again. Sixteen men from Atlanta, Georgia went to the top of the mountain and set up for a Klan ritual. They built an altar of stones, on which they placed on American Flag, a bible and a sword. Then the men erected a sixteen-foot high cross and lit it on fire.
William Joseph Simmons was the leader of the new Klan. William, son of an ex Klan member, heard his dad speck of Klan stories and wanted to “Frighten the Dark people” himself.
In the early 1920’s the Klan traveled on a wave of terror in the south and southwest. As the violence spread a pattern appeared. The majority of the Victorian’s were whites who had broken some kind of moral code. Such as Bootleggers, Gamblers, were favorite targets. The Klan would parade the streets at night as a reminder of the constant terror they haunted a southern town with.
By taking the law into their own hands the Klan made sure the laws were respected. Hooded Klansmen sometimes took their victims in brood daylight but mostly they piled into cars and went “nightriding”.
Klansmen used whips to punish those victims. Once they finished whipping they would pour hot tar on them and sprinkle feathers on them. This would add insult to injury.
I n 1921, the Klan was brought to trial for the murder of a black man who had been a known drunk in his hometown. Simmons, Klan leader, stepped up in front of congress and swore on the holy bible that the Klan “never had been and never will be involved in violent acts”.
In 1922, the Klan used its anti-Catholic appeal to capture control of the Oregon St.
The Moore’s Ford lynching shows that the Ku Klux Klan was still very powerful in Georgia just after the Second World War. Blacks who lived in these areas which were overwhelmingly rural and contained large plantations owned by white men were regularly browbeaten into submission by the white minority and sporadic outbreaks of violence were not uncommon. There was a wealth of evidence against several white men who were prominent citizens of the county, but no prosecution was ever conducted and the murderers went to their graves without having paid for their crime....
When Jane and a few others decided to leave the plantation patrollers spotted them and killed many of them. Jane says, “Them and the soldiers from the Secesh Army were the ones who made up the Ku Klux Klans later on” (Gaines 21). Organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan terrorized black people in the South during the Reconstructi...
The population of African Americans from 1865 to 1900 had limited social freedom. Social limitations are limitations that relate “…to society and the way people interact with each other,” as defined by the lesson. One example of a social limitation African Americans experienced at the time is the white supremacy terrorist group, the Ku Klux Klan or the KKK. The KKK started as a social club formed by former confederate soldiers, which rapidly became a domestic terrorist organization. The KKK members were white supremacists who’s objective was to ward off African Americans from using their new political power. In an attempts to achieve their objective, Klansmen would burn African American schools, scare and threaten voters, destroy the homes of African Americans and also the homes of whites who supported African American rights. The greatest terror the KKK imposed was that of lynching. Lynching may be defined via the lesson as, “…public hanging for an alleged offense without benefit of trial.” As one can imagine these tactics struck fear into African Americans and the KKK was achiev...
Hooded Americanism: The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan: 1865 to the Present by David Chalmers records the history of the Ku Klux Klan quite bluntly, all the way from its creation following the civil war, to the early 1960’s. The author starts the book quite strongly by discussing in detail many acts of violence and displays of hatred throughout the United States. He makes a point to show that the Klan rode robustly throughout all of the country, not just in the southern states. The first several chapters of the book focus on the Klan’s creation in 1865. He goes on to discuss the attitude of many Americans following the United State’s Civil War and how the war shaped a new nation. The bulk of the book is used to go through many of the states, and express the Klan’s political influence on both the local and state governments. The author starts with Texas and Oklahoma, and goes through the history of the Klan geographically, finishing with New Jersey and Washington. The author stresses that the KKK did not just commit acts of violence towards minorities, but also carried political power. He continues to discuss the impact of the Klan on Civil Rights movements in the 1960’s, and various other important political controversies between the 1920’s and 1970’s. Towards the middle of the book, David M. Chalmers focuses on portraying the feelings of governments and state legislatures, as well as normal citizens towards the Klan. To do this more effectively, the author uses excerpts and quotes from editorials and newspapers, along with several dozen pictures. The conclusion of the book was used mainly as an overview of all of the major incidents and deaths involving the Klan, and how their persistence has allowed them to still exist today despite a lack of resources and support.
The Klan seemed to want to govern over the blacks and control them through ways of fear and violent attacks on their community this was ever present in the south and Elias Hill makes his record of one night he was terrorized. The Klan members targeted black men who were highly thought about in the black community, Elias Hill was not only a Baptist preacher, but also an intellectual among the community, a teacher after for young black children, and a mediator for business in his neighborhood. Hill was a noble man in his community, but he was also a crippled man which I believe made him the perfect target. He was immobile, for his arms and legs were crippled and shriveled up, he could not walk or take care of himself at all, and this made him the perfect target for the assault by the Klan
Even though the economy was on the move, the 1920s was an important time in regards to anxiety and intolerance. The KKK and gangs are causing a lot of disruption in America. The KKK was upset because of the new times in America. They were not accustomed to the change that was going on in America. They were deeply upset and lashed out in opposition by holding marches and cross burnings.
...manding, and we expect to win, a return of power into the hands of the everyday, not highly cultured, not overly intellectualized, but entirely unspoiled and not de-Americanized, average citizen of the old stock. The KKK has now come to speak for the great mass of Americans of the old pioneer stock" (Document D.) By 1923, Klan membership grew to five million. However, there was a sharp decline in members within a decade, showing how the new frameset of mind took over the old quickly. Accept the new, changing world around them. They represented the old, racist values long thought to have been delegated to the South.
The KKK would express their opposition by terrorizing groups or individuals of whom they opposed. Members of the KKK wore costumes during the attacks, which consisted of a robe, a mask and a conical hat, these costumes were designed to have a terrifying appearance as well as hide their identity. However, after much violence committed by this group the U.S. government grew tired of this radical group and successfully suppressed the KKK’s movement in around the year 1871 (Encyclopedia Britannica). However, during the year 1915 there was a second wave of the KKK and this time it flourished nationally, particularly in the west and Midwest regions of the United States (Encyclopedia Britannica). This second group opposed Catholics and Jews, especially newer
Black Scare in the 1920’s was the movement of southern blacks into northern cities during the early 1920’s which caused fear in many whites. The Ku Klux Klan (or the KKK) was a secret society created by white southerners that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their rights. Throughout history, this secret organization have used acts of terrorism including murder, rape, and bombing. They wore masks, white cardboard hats, and white sheets.
White Southerners who hated blacks started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866. It was also called the KKK. They tried to stop black people from voting and having other civil rights. They would wear white sheets and masks with pointed hoods. They would beat up blacks and public officials. They would burn crosses by the houses of people they wanted to scare. The KKK was declared illegal in 1...
Cries ring out in the dead of night from the black people of the southern states in Tennessee, as mysterious figures in white robes with hoods ride on their horses. To most they were thought of as the Confederate soldier’s ghosts riding and terrorizing the blacks. People wanted to know who these mysterious riders are and why they are terrorizing the black people of the south. Since they were wearing all white robes they could not tell their identity leading to more confusion. They became known as the Invisible Empire due to the fact that there were hundreds of them but nobody knew who they really were. Later in the Invisible Empires history we find out that these mysterious ghost riders are a part of the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan was an organization meant to preserve the southern way of life. They use forms of intimidation to scare the black people such as riding through the night on horses. It was first started as something for ex-confederate soldiers to do since they were not fighting the war anymore but soon these small threats and intimidation turned into a violent hate group. Through the Ku Klux Klan’s history we see its practices and beliefs evolve from a fun, social organization to a worldwide feared hate group.
Imagine thousands of people dressed in white robes and tall pointy hats burning crosses, burning churches, and murdering innocent lives across America. Sadly these kinds of people did exist. They were called the Ku Klux Klan. This organization had it planned from the beginning to keep the whites above everyone. They wanted to stay at the supreme power and no one could ever be higher than them. The Ku Klux Klan is known everywhere as the most infamous and oldest hate group in America. This group had the goals of keeping African Americans in slavery and preserving segregation, putting protestants and whites over every race and religion, and being known as one of the most violent and feared people around the world.
During the era of Civil War and Reconstruction, lynching marked a pivotal time in the United States. It was prevalent in the Midwest and West and abundant in the South. Lynching occurred for numerous reasons with shameless public displays being advertised in newspapers, which drew large crowds of white families and exposed a key role by providing contentious moral support. Prior to the Civil War, lynching was carried out in order to impose vigilante on their way of life and their white women. The first practitioners of lynching engaged what they described as “frontier justice”, with the main rationale being that the local and federal governmental bodies were of little use out in ‘those parts’. Compared to later occurrenc...
The Ku Klux Klan, formed in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866, is an anti-African American group that terrorizes African Americans in the South even to this day. The Ku Klux Klan, otherwise known as the KKK, was founded at an instrumental time in American history- it was founded during the Reconstruction Era, following the Civil War. This was a time of tension between white Americans and black Americans; many whites in the South were upset that black slaves had been emancipated as a direct result of the Civil War, in which the southern Confederate States lost. This created the perfect environment for southern whites to band together for the common goal of white supremacy, thus creating the KKK. “At the Klan’s peak in the 1920’s there were more than
In a way, ICT can be imaginatively pinched upon for professional development and academic support of the pre-service and in-service teachers (NCFTE, 2010). It also opines that Teaching is a profession and teacher education is a process of professional preparation of teachers. Teachers are concerned, in an important way, with the total development of human beings - physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral and spiritual. While the dimensions of teaching other than the informational and cognitive may have suffered neglect in modern times due to a variety of factors, one cannot deny that they constitute an integral part of the teachers’ role and functions. The implication of this is to give due emphasis to developing reflective teachers with positive attitudes, values and perspective, along with skills for the craft of