Karen Mallia

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Karen Mallia's article on Gender Equity, was strikingly hard core agreeing on diversity and feminism. Mallia goes on and on about how important it is to have a diverse work place, and how men need to do more to help women to excel in the work place and become better educated to continue to excel. "Perhaps the biggest problem with being "the other" is convincing those in the mainstream to recognize that difference isn't wrong or inferior, and that the outlier, the oddball, the proverbial square-peg is just as important as those who conform (Mallia 104)." In this quote I not only believe that Mallia is encouraging her readers that it is perfectly fine to be the outlandish person in whatever group you are a part of, but I also find this to be her thesis as well. In her article she is constantly going back to saying we are in need of more diversity among people in any type of groups, especially in the places we work. …show more content…

Likewise, greater diversity benefits everyone. Not just in a high-minded, didn't-we-do-something-nice for-those-poor-people sense, but in concrete, direct - even almighty dollar - ways:
1. More diverse (gender, ethnic, skills, every kind) teams have greater creativity and better ideas. (Nothing is more important to a creative industry.)
2. Diversity has a positive impact on business. It brings greater return on equity, sales and invested capital.
3. The factors that favor diversity are what everyone wants in the workplace, like job satisfaction, better work life balance and success, so everybody

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