Kanye West Research Paper

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Kanye West is known to many as simply a narcissistic rapper. Many others find him as a gifted lyricist, fashion designer, producer, and much more. Kanye Omari “Yeezy” West was born on June 8, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. His mom , Dr. Donda West was a college professor of English at Clark Atlanta University. His dad, Ray West, was a black panther. His parents divorced when we was three years old. Ever since his youth , Yeezy has enjoyed rock music very much. To this day , he often uses string progression from rock and roll music while producing. Big names in rock music , such as Steven Tyler, and Nine Inch Nails have collaborated with him while producing. As far as his producing career goes , he is best known for his production of the masterpiece …show more content…

The album earned this name because Kanye West was attending the University of Chicago majoring in music history prior to fame. He dropped out to pursue music in 1998 , therefore he was a college dropout. While recording College Dropout , Kanye was involved in a car crash in which his jaw had to be wired. He recorded half of the album with his jaw wired shut. After releasing , College Dropout skyrocketed on the Billboard charts. One year after College Dropout , Kanye West released his second album ; Late Registration. This was one of his most commercially successful albums. It included many classics like : “Gold Digger” and “Touch the Sky.” It was nominated for the Grammy of Best Album of the year. Though he lost , he took home the Grammy for Best Rap Album of the year, Best Rap Solo Performance , and Best Rap Song. In 2007 , West released “Graduation” this would be his third studio album. This album , like Late Registration had many successful songs. “Stronger” , “Can’t Tell me Nothing” , and “Flashing Lights” were the singles that put the album under the spotlight. While recording Graduation , Kanye looked to country and folk music to show him how to use clever wordplay. The artwork of Graduation shows a teddy bear known as the “Dropout Bear” going through many obstacles to make it to his graduation in time. The artwork is often credited as one of the most recognizable rap album

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