Junot Diaz's How To Date A Browngirl, Blackgirl

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Junot Diaz wrote “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie in 1996” (Diaz 97), but before we go more into the story lets know more information about Junot Diaz. Junot Diaz was born in “Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on December 31, 1968” (Gradesaver). He lived in the Dominican Republic area until the age of seven, then was later sent to America with his mother and siblings to be closer to their father due to working in the states. Junot and his family were not wealthy, they “Lived in a poor part of New Jersey populated primarily by Dominicans” (Gradesaver). For being in a poor immigrant that did not stop him from attending college. He received his Bachelor’s degree from “Rutgers University in 1995” (MacArthur Fellow Program), and majored in “History and Literature” (Gradesaver). Junot became a writer because he had a passion to write from the “Lives lived between cultures” (MacArthur Fellow Program) and he wanted people to see how difficult it was for him to adjust living in the United States. Not only that, but the “Many challenges of the immigrant life” (MacArthur Fellow Program). Diaz writings are known to as a “Mix of Spanish and English” (MacArthur Fellow Program) in his texts. In “How to date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie” (Diaz 97), the major theme that Diaz is trying to point out is figuring out relationships. Exploring a new world with variety of …show more content…

Yunior is a Dominican/American boy who is preparing himself to go on a date with different types of ethnic group of women’s. He explains, or gives advice a younger men as the same race as him on how to behave properly in order to get what some of the boys usually want at the end of a date, which is sex. Junot sets the story in chronological order from what Yunior did before the women’s comes to his apartment, to how they leave his apartment after the

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