Jung Typology Test Understanding the strengths of a personality and communication style is a critical aspect of leadership in almost any career. Likewise, the weaknesses of that same style can ensure both great success and absolute failure in any individual’s personal and professional life. As someone who has taken multiple personality and leadership tests over the years, I was intrigued by the opportunity to participate in the Humanmetrics Jung Typology test. Aware that I have adapted to properly handle the responsibilities of both my family and career over the last twenty years, the results presented only reinforced the neutrality I have embraced for the last five years of my current job as a Director of Operations over a large restaurant …show more content…
Much different from my inexperienced years as a youth, the years of trials and tribulations in the workforce and life in general has somewhat closed my mind to anything outside of plans prepared and thought out. Moreover, with experience comes intelligence and a need to have relative consistent patterns in both personal and professional lives. This has led to my dictation of life and the events I wish to see in it with little room for outside influences or ideas now. Although I can still relate to the generation around us today, I refuse to live in the moment that so many of the Perceiving type continue in though the hefty influences of social media in …show more content…
ISTJ’s often can either be excellent communicators or considered to be some of the worst due to their perceived limitations. As a Director, daily I am challenged with the aspects of my job that relates to effective communication or failure. Dealing with facts and figures within the hard-nosed corporate environment presents an individual with every possible angle and level of the need for positive communication in challenging surroundings. I am in full agreement that ISTJ type individuals are very effective when taking written and spoken dialogue to a calm and one on one format. This allows for the limitation of conflict along with allowing the ISTJ to focus on getting the concrete facts and the logical connection between them. Also, ISTJ communication, though viewed as icy, is in my experience best when the discussion is absent emotions as an ISTJ’s introverted nature leads to emotional detachment often considered a negative by others causing hindrances in
Kirkpatrick, S. A., & Locke, E. A. (2001). Leadership: Do traits Matter? Academy of Management Executive,5,, 48-60.
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test certainly brought to light many unseen aspects towards my personal character traits and leadership style at work and at home (2015). Whether I am interacting with members from my personal or professional life, my INTJ personality type dominates my perception for good or ill. Strengths and weaknesses abound in any of the sixteen personalities designated by the Jung/Myers-Briggs Personality Test. My self-confidence and perfectionist attitude can be attributed to my identified type. As Marina Heiss explains, a degree of mental independence from authority, convention, and sentiment can also be reached (2015). Throughout this assignment I have grasped a few of the reasons on why I have tendency/preference to
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
It is important to consider that communication is not just verbal in form. One study suggests that the majority of communication is more affected by body language, attitude, and tone, than based on the actual words said (O’Daniel, 2008). Interprofessional communication is one of the main cornerstones of effective and sustainable collaboration. It involves observable exchanges of information and knowledge that include subtle and sometimes overt demonstrations of attitudes, personal values and behaviours (Morison, 2007; Suter et al., 2009; Gordon et al., 2011; Campbell, 2014). Individuals need to listen to each other and collaborate in order to develop mutual knowledge, which enhances communication. A model of shared leadership with joint decision making as a central tenant can also enhance communication (Murray –Davis et al.,
For this project; I will be discussing the findings of my personality type. According to “Jung’s Personality Test”, I am an ENTJ. Various sources point to this type as;” The Executive.” The research I have done has brought tremendous insight into; who I am as a person, the functions of my thinking process and how to utilize my strengths to be more of an efficient/successful person. I also learned about the various careers the best suit my personality type which; helps me when It comes to job seeking after graduation. It is very important to know yourself and see how you can maximize on your God given potential. For that reason, I am very glad I took the personality test and studied this subject manner. I would advise everybody to do the same,
It is well known that there are many personality tests that attempt to divide individuals in certain categories, or personality types, and who are also believed to include many qualities that help shape leadership. Even though, most of these personality tests do not fully accomplish or are successful at accurately stating an individuals personality type, due to the complexity of human nature, there has to be an understanding of the importance of personality in leadership. The understanding of personality depends only on the individual’s introspection, his or her approach...
Leadership is the glue that binds any business together, identifying and understanding your type of leadership style can ultimately aid you in becoming a better leader in your professional career. A successful business cannot function without leadership therefore this is a crucial aspect of internal employee development for businesses striving to stay relevant in a crowded marketplace. In addition to recognizing your leadership style every leader needs to look to them and identify what type of personality they have. By becoming an informed business leader you will gain trust and respect of your team to guide them into the future and maximizing potential growth. Throughout this paper I will identify my leadership style and also personality type and how it has affected my personal career growth. Identifying these conclusions is extremely important in crafting company culture.
The general personality traits, which are related to success both in and outside the workplace, are all inherent in my answers given in the Leadership Assessment Quiz. With statements such as, “it is easy for me to compliment others” and “team members listen to me when I speak,” it is apparent I possess these characteristics. Whereas my task- related personality traits associated with successful leadership, such as courage, still need to be developed. Not only do I know this in myself, but it is clearly pointed out throughout the test, with statements such as, “resolving conflict is an activity I enjoy” and “I would enjoy coaching other members of the team”.
The Jung Typology Test is designed to give the participant a 4-letter formula which describes strength preferences of one’s personality type. The formula is based on whether the participant favors Extraversion or Introversion, Sensing or iNtuition, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Perceiving when it comes to the participant’s general attitude. One will also receive a Temperament, which is based on one’s personality type formula, and can be used to make somewhat accurate predictions of the participants preferred behavior. In this essay I will discuss the results that I received after taking the test. Having a personality type that prefers extraversion, sensing, feeling, and judging comes with many strengths and weaknesses when working in
Personality as well as intelligence tells people a lot about an individual. Certain characteristics of one’s personality such as impression and reputation in a social environment may or may not be a good way to gain acknowledgement. In becoming a leader, work ethics must be strong, precise, and others must be able to feel one’s presence. The three abilities that successful leaders have are; the ability to get along with others and build teams, the ability to make sound and timely decisions and the ability to get things done. The mass amounts of leaders only possess one or two of these abilities and a smaller percentage having all three. According to the Five Factor Model (FFM), it is important for leaders to possess dependability, adjustments and surgency. (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, page 235)
The Jung Typology Test described me and my habits exactly. In addition, my reading and research has helped me realize there are no “good” or “bad” personality types just different ones with both strengths and weaknesses but they are all relative. While one may compliment others better than another, all are needed in order for the workplace to be successful.
Research indicates that leadership styles have a huge impact on how the world is being shaped every day. To demonstrate a clear correlation between leaders and decisions making process, Lilienfeld, Waldman, Watts, Landfield, Rubenzer, & Faschingbauer, (2012), Van, Cilliers, & van Deventer (2008), and Odom, Boyd, & Williams, (2012) developed a sample category of leadership identities based on three different concepts. Beaver et al. (2014) illustrated a high level of leadership, interpersonal traits based on a study done on 42 U.S. president’s psychopathy traits. Van Eeden, et al. (2008) focused on management leaderships and Odom, et al. (2012) presented scholar leaderships. Each article presented respectively a key theme that will be developed in this paper. The first theme is leadership styles. The second theme is leadership psychopathic traits and the third theme is the personality traits of a leader. The three themes combine appeared to unify in one concept of leadership identity, which needs to be developed by effective leaders
After understanding the theory behind both the trait and skill approach, I was eager to evaluate and reflect on my own leadership traits. It was interesting to see how the trait approach allowed me to better understand whether or not I have certain traits considered to be important for leadership, while skills approach allowed me to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in the technical, human and conceptual skills. From completing the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) and the Skills Inventory, I was able to reflect more on how I behave towards others in a leadership context, as well as the skills that I currently possess. As a naturally extroverted person, I have been taking on leadership roles from a young age. The findings from these two
Trait theories are theories that consider personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders." Early results aimed at confirming this theory were inconclusive. Many research studies were conducted and each identified key traits supposed to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. The problem is that they didn't get the same results, thus failing to discover common traits, which should have shown in each research study. When applying the Big Five Personality framework (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience) to the study and research of leadership traits, results were more encouraging. They showed that the most important trait for leaders was extraversion. Still, this founding sh...
My personal vision of the future is not something I have taken a significant amount of time to ponder in the past. I have general ideas of where I see myself both personally and professionally in future but have not identified specific steps to get there or pondered why I want to be in that situation. When taking on this somewhat daunting task of identifying my future self it is important to identify my driving values, philosophy, dreams, and my personal calling. Self-reflection on these characteristics and preferences are key to a developing a successful picture of the future.