Jumpsmart Case Study Essay

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JumpSmart is a nonprofit organization that trains and places disadvantaged, low-income high school students in paid internships with local partner companies. The internships start with a summer training program of six weeks, where students learn technical and professional skills including business operations as well as professional skills which include communication, punctuality, and collaboration. After their training is complete, students advance to a paid, 12-month internship at partner companies where they gain access to valuable work experience, mentors and college and career coaching. JumpSmart focuses on creating opportunities that break down the causes of career undermatching, the phenomenon in which talented, college graduates from …show more content…

According to Hershbein (2016), “People with more education have higher earnings. Boosting college education is therefore seen by many as a way to lift people out of poverty, combat growing income inequality, and increase upward social mobility.”
The success of the JumpSmart program is due to six key components that not only prepare but also inspire students to pursue the skills and education that will help them realize their goals:
1. Students receive proper training. Students receive critical training opportunities to receive the technical and professional skills needed to succeed on the job and future jobs.
2. Students gain meaningful experiences that make a positive impact. Transformative internships are more than office work, they empower students to do meaningful work.
3. Provide a long-term 12-month internship program. Students spend a full academic year at their partner company providing them to access to further skills training, formulate relationships with colleagues and mentors, and begin to identify and dive into an area of expertise that interests

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