Judee Burgoon’s Expectancy Violations Theory

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If you are like me, you don’t feel comfortable with getting “cozy” with the teacher. I have had teachers try and become friendly with me before and that always has lead me to an uncomfortable situation; do I ignore their attempts or do I embrace it in hopes to get a better grade? What if I were the one to try and initiate a closer relationship? Would that somehow put me in a more favorable situation? In my dilemma, I have turned to research to solve this quagmire.
This paper will be a study dealing with Judee Burgoon’s Expectancy Violations Theory. I plan to use this theory to dissect how teachers feel when students violate the expectancy that they have for them. I want to specifically research touching and the giving of compliments between the student and teacher, especially when initiated from the student. Whether or not there is a positive correspondence, this study will help students know what is expected from them from a teacher’s perspective, which might assist students in their academic pursuits. Being a student who is uncomfortable with any sort of physical or friend-like relationship between student and teacher, I want to see if my personal preference is showed by others.
Review of Literature for Expectancy Violations Theory
From Em Griffin’s book, A First Look At Communication Theory (2012), four specific concepts will be used to help in this study. I have selected to use expectance, reciprocity, interaction adaption and violation valence. Expectancy is simply predicted behavior and not what behavior is wanted. Reciprocity is defined by Griffin as “a strong human tendency to respond to another’s action with similar behavior.” Reciprocity occurs when someone violates another’s expectancy. When...

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...ler amount of teacher expect touch to be a part of the student teacher relationship.
From the research in giving compliments, only half the teachers saw this as a negative experience and further, more than half the teachers said that they couldn’t be certain that that would change how they grade an assignment. Therefore, one can gather that giving a teacher an unexpected compliment might possibly lead to an elevated score on your next assignment or exam.
With this study, students will better know what is expected from them from a teacher’s perspective. This might assist students with understanding what is appropriate behavior when communicating with their teachers. Being a student who is uncomfortable with any sort of physical or friend-like relationship between student and teacher, it was interesting to see that my personal preference is showed by teachers.

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