Listening Goals and Communication in The Film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

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Guess who’s coming to Dinner

A Review of Literature and Film Clip

Listening and responding to others has a major role to play in good communication and as such, satisfy their own purposes in life. People communicate with each other for getting information across, for learning and evaluating purposes, for listening and observation purposes or for mere enjoyment or recreation. However, it is a well known fact, that no two people listen, communicate or respond in the same way, and we know that it is true because research in the field has proved that it is so. According to
(Bodie et al. 2013) as cited in (Keaton SA) in the article Listening Goals and Communication, the skill of listening represents four distinct “goals that listeners have when engaged in situations that call them to be a particular kind of listener. Communication, which includes both listening and responding comprises of specific styles depending on the depth of listening of any individual because they are closely connected to the goals or outcomes. In this essay, different concepts and styles of listening and responding will be discussed but with a main focus on the relational and analytical style by using examples from the film Guess who’s coming to Dinner.

Guess who’s coming to Dinner (1967) is a poignant family drama that is so passionately knitted together in the fabric of human emotions. The film clip I have

Interpersonal Paper 3
Guess who’s coming to Dinner

chosen to discuss is a heated argument between a father and his son, bringing out the kind of relationship they share. The father is Roy Glenn Sr., while his son is the enigmatic
Sidney Poitier and his mother is Beah Richards. The primary themes in the film revolve around the relationships...

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...ssed by the deep understanding, respect and love they have for each other, despite the bitter circumstances. Though the communication between the two of them hit home, yet it was the subtle non- verbal expressions and meanings that drew them together and encouraged them to understand each other. Through all the misunderstanding and bitterness, both of them were capable of communicating their feelings and emotions towards each other.


Beebe, S.A., Beebe, S. J., Ivy, D. K. (2010). Communication Principles for a Lifetime (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

Graham .D. Bodie and Villaume. (2013) cited in Keaton SA. Listening Goals and Communication. Interpersonal Communication Consultant .pg. 86. Web. Accessed in May 2014 Guess who’s coming to Dinner (1967) Web. Retrieved on 4th May 2014

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