John Wayne Gacy: Horrific Serial Killers

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John Wayne Gacy, also known as the killer clown or pogo the clown, was one of the most horrific serial killers in America at the time of the late 70’s. He was also Americas’ first openly/closeted gay serial killer, and we know this because before killing his victim, he engaged in sex with them and counted to strangle them to death.(Close Case Killer) He freely admitted to killing 33 young boys ranging from the ages 14 - 21, and burying them in the crawl space under his house. Gacy was only thirty at the time of his first murder and died at the age of 52.(John Wayne Gacy) John Wayne Gacy was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois and grew up the same way that most serial killers have. He was one of three kids. He had two sisters, and they all lived with his mother and violent, alcoholic father. His father, John Stanley Gacy, would frequently beat his wife and three children.(John Wayne Gacy). Mrs. Gacy was thought to be crazy because when Gacy was younger, his dad would spend a lot of time in the basement walking and talking in different voices. In “John Wayne Gacy” it is stated that “ as a teenager, Gacy was a Hypochondriac; he fainted periodically and believed he had a defective heart. He also …show more content…

Gacy was on death road and was trying to get out of it any was he could to get out of it. He had an explanation for every think, the smell that detective Schultz smell in Gacy house that on a cold day. He said that one of his workers was staying the night and he's the one who killed them and Gacy saw it but didn't say anything. Despite his effort Gacy wasp to death on May 10, 1994, at Crest Hill, IL, but not without one more trick. Gacy's was delayed because the first drug, the one to paralyze him, and the second drug, the one that kills him, didn't enact

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