John Oswalt Analysis

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John N. Oswalt affirms that (Isaiah 40:1-11), establishes the basis for the rest of the book. The theme shift from judgement to restoration which will be through God’s personal intervention. The description of God reveals him as caring for the needs of his people.60 Shalom M. Paul indicates that God is described as a shepherd which is an image of love whereby God will unwaveringly and meticulously take care of each lamb personally. God’s the one who punish Israel and now he will restore them by watching over them as a shepherd watches over his sheep.61 The coming servant has been described as Israel by J. Alec Motyer, who contends that the servant epitomize Israel, (41:8) the seed of Abraham (Gen 12:3;; 18:18; 22:18; 24:4). His will reveals

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