John Forbes Nash

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Dr. John Forbes Nash Jr. was born in June 13th 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia to a very educated family. His father whom he was name after John Nash Sr. was an electrical engineer and his Mother Margaret Virginia Martin was an English and Latin teacher. Dr. Nash was always ahead of people his age. According to biography from the noble prize, by the time John was in high school he was reading the classical “Men of Mathematics” by E.T. Bell and succeeding in proving the classic Fermat theorem about an integer multiplied by itself p times where p is a prime. (Noble Media AB, 2014) The movie starts with Dr. Nash a prodigy grad student at Princeton University and one of the two Carnegie scholarship recipients speaking to peers and not being able to dominate the socialization skill like normal people. In the movie John was aware and laughed on the fact that he did not like people and people did not like him much. He also recalled when his first grade teacher told him he was “ born with two helpings of brain but only half-helpings of heart”. During his time in Princeton Dr. Nash had a best friend his roommate Charles Herman an English Major student …show more content…

Eugene Bleuler gave the diagnostic term still used today. In 19711, Bleuler used schizophrenia (from the Greek roots of sxizo, pronounced “schizo” and meaning “to split or crack.” And phren, meaning “mind”) because he believed the condition was characterized primarily by disorganization of thoughts processes, a lack of coherence between though and emotion, an inward orientation away (split off) from reality. This ended up being incorrect because people with schizophrenia do not suffer from split personality but instead they have a split between external reality and their intellect. (Hoolet,

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