Nobel Prize Essays

  • nobel prize

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    The Noble Prizes were first awarded in 1910. However they were created years before by a man named Alfred Nobel. Alfred Noble was born on October 21, 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. IN order to improve the family’s financial situation, Alfred’s father Immanuel Nobel moved the family company to St. Petersburg Russia. In Russia, the business prospered and Alfred’s father was able to give is sons the best education of that time. Alfred was fluent in 6 languages and was skilled in writing. However, his father

  • Women Nominized and Winners of the Nobel Prize

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    CONTENT: 1.ALFRED BERNHARDT NOBEL 2.HISTORY OF THE NOBEL PRIZES 3.CRITERIA FOR AWARDING THE PRIZE 4.WOMEN NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS 5.WOMEN NOMINAZED AT THE NOBEL PRIZES 6.CONCLUSIONS-HALL OF FAME OF THE NOBEL PRIZES AND THEIR ROLE 7.BIBLIOGRAPHY MOTTO: With most sincere appreciation and respect, I thank Mrs.Chira Carmen for the valuable advises she gave me in the process of this project’s elaboration. I also express my gratitude for the attention and support she has given

  • Nobel Prize Winner Marie Curie

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    born on Warsaw. For her to study she had to go to Paris to study physics and mathematics. Her and her husband were investigating radioactivity. Maria graduated first from high school at the age of 15. She was the first woman/ person to win 2 nobel prizes. The Curie’s were investigating radioactivity and working on the work of German physics and on the French physics. Perrie was knocked down and ...

  • The Importance Of The Nobel Peace Prize

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    The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the highest awards that a researcher in physics, chemistry, or medicine can receive, and the award honors scientists that have made revolutionary discoveries or explanations in their field. This award was presented to Anthony Hewish, and his mentor, Martin Ryle in 1974 for the innovations they made in astronomy, and specifically the discovery of pulsars. Although they were the only two that were awarded, Jocelyn Bell Burnell played a significant role in pulsar detection

  • Nobel Prize Laureates in the Field of Medicine and Physiology

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    Every year, a prestigious prize is given to people who provide a reason for change, a new invention or a new discovery. The Nobel Prize Laureates in 2013 in the field of physiology, and medicine was given to three individuals. The Laureates were James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof. The three investigators revealed that there is the machinery that controls how cells transport major molecules in a cargo system which ends up delivering them to the right place at the right time

  • Bob Dylan's Controversial Win Of The Nobel Prize In Literature

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    Bob Dylan’s controversial win of the Nobel Prize in Literature garnered many heated arguments. Some thought it was a well-deserved win while the others lamented the missed opportunity to laud a more deserving writer, raising the question of whether lyrics can even be considered as literature. I argue that lyrics are indeed literature, and Dylan deserves the award not only because lyrics are literature but also because his works are great literature. Furthermore, I write my own lyrics to mimic Dylan’s

  • Summary Of William Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

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    William Faulkner’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech William Faulkner is recognized as of the greatest American novelists and is also noted as one of the greatest novelists of world literature. William Faulkner was awarded a Nobel Prize for his powerful and artistic contribution to American literature through his career. William Faulkner gave his speech on December 10, 1950 in Stockholm, Sweden, but he did not just accept this award with gratitude and honor. Instead, William Faulkner’s speech would

  • Essay On Nobel Peace Prize Winner

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    A Nobel Peace Prize Winner, a Civil Rights Activist, a Worldwide Figure Being assassinated for doing something to try and make the world a better place seems extreme and not many people would do it with those risks. However, there are people in this world that will sacrifice everything for what they believe in. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the few people in the world willing enough to put himself in danger for a cause he believed in. Martin Luther King, Jr. overcame the segregated

  • The Nobel Prize by Ed John Merriman and Jay Winter

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    This 2006 article by Ed John Merriman and Jay Winter, titled “The Nobel Prize,” is about the history and importance of the Nobel Prize, and how it works. To understand the history of the Nobel Prize, we must start with the death of the Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel was known for his work with chemicals and explosives, and was actually the inventor of dynamite. Upon providing dynamite to the world, solely for the use of mining, he found his creation misused for violence, a new war tool that was used

  • Informative Essay: The Nobel Prize

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    Alfred Nobel permitted his fortune to fund the Nobel Prize awards . Five years after Alfred Nobel's death the first Nobel Prize was given to the laureates on 10 December, 1901. The Nobel Prize is given in 6 different categories, each year on December the 10th in the field of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, literature, Peace and Economics. The Nobel Prize is a worldwide educational award which is only awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. The Peace Prize is given in Oslo, Norway. The purpose of this study

  • Alfred Nobel: The Man behind the Prize.

    1925 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alfred Nobel: The Man behind the Prize. Alfred Nobel is known for starting the Nobel Prize. This prize is given every year to some of the greatest minds in the world who through their work, help to better society. In opposition to the improvement of society, is the fact that Nobel’s other known inventions brought much death and destruction to the world (Frost). This combination of inventions helps to pose the question who was Alfred Nobel, and why did Nobel create this prize to help the world. In

  • How Does William Faulkner Use Ethos In Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

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    Upon listening and reading William Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, it is immediately deduced that he provides his vast audience of the epitome of himself. William Faulkner is not someone, but everyone. His humanistic approach to writing and thought has allowed him to hide complexity within simplicity, and for this, he is memorable: his work is a true testament to the unbreakable nature of the human spirit in the face of enormous hardship and consequence; a look into the human mind that

  • The Chemistry Of Science: The Nobel Prize In Chemistry

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    The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian committees in recognition of academic, cultural and scientific advances. Chemistry is one of the many categories of Nobel Prizes awarded to chemists that have dedicated life changing research in their perspective fields. In 2013, the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to three theoretical chemists, Michael Levitt, Martin Karplus, and Arieh Warshe, who developed a multiscale computer

  • The Invention Of Dynamite: The Life Of Alfred Nobel Prizes

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    explosives. Then came Alfred Nobel. Nobel had a long life, debateable leadership, invented dynamite, created dynamite for safety, made up the Nobel Prizes and shows the all out inspiration for explosives. Alfred Nobel’s life was very lonely and dark. Nobel’s childhood consisted of moving and top-notch education, claims Nobel was born in Sweden and moved to St. Petersburg, Russia because of bankruptcy.

  • Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

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    fighting, screaming, arguing, forgetting about, hiding it, or even taking it out on someone else. I know you would be angst, but we know those aren’t very wise choices, so let me tell you what to do with the following examples. In Elie Wiesel “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech”, Elie Wiesel is telling us what it was like for him(of being Jewish during a time where Jewish people were being sent to camps), and how not matter what, we can’t forget about it. We need to remember this awful event, and “spread

  • 1983 Nobel Prize Winner Paul Berg

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    Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids and Recombinant Introduction The following essay will outline the 1983 Nobel Prize winner Paul Berg, for his studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids and recombinant-DNA. The reason why I chose Paul Berg as my Nobel Laureate was because his findings won him the Nobel Prize in the field of Biochemistry. Since he won the prize for Biochemistry, his findings will cover both Biology and Chemistry, which will help me in two of my NCUK courses. In the essay, a discussion

  • Toni Morrison's Literary Achievements

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    In 1993 Toni Morrison joined the illustrious ranks of the Nobel Prize for Literature laureates as the ninetieth recipient, twentieth English-language author, eighth American, eighth woman, third black, and first African-American 1. Her mid-century predecessor William Faulkner (1897-1962) had just received the award in 1950 when Morrison (b. 1931) began writing her Master of Arts thesis on his work.2 Aside from both being Nobel laureates, this unlikely pair has, at first glance, little in common:

  • Marie Curie: The Great Woman Scientist

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    think, like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries” (Marie Curie - The Great Woman Scientist). Marie Curie’s enthusiasm for science, thirst for knowledge, and intense curiosity allowed her to become a pioneer in both the research areas of chemistry and physics. She came from humble beginnings, but instead of letting obstacles slow her down, her resolve to advance scientific knowledge only grew stronger. Marie Curie was not only recognized with a Nobel Prize in both chemistry

  • Biography Of Yasunari Kawabata

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    As the Nobel Prize winner in 1968, Yasunari Kawabata is one of the most influential Japanese New-Sense authors. He was born in a wealthy family on June 11, 1899 in Osaka, a big industrial town (Yasunari). Since his parents died from illness at his age of three, he was raised up by his grandfather and lived an enclosed childhood life. The loneliness of childhood caused his depressive personality after he became an adult. After he went to school, his grandfather, grandmother and sister died successively

  • Beloved Toni Morrison Research Paper

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    Toni Morrison, a former Nobel prize recipient, is known for her amply detailed novels involving African American culture and experiences. Today she is acknowledged as one of the best American Authors in the world. Toni Morrison was born on February 18, 1931 in Lorain, Ohio. Her original name was Chloe Anthony Wofford.Her father’s name was George Wofford and her mother’s name was Ella Ramah Wofford(Samuels). Morrison changed her name because friends and family gave her a nickname Toni and she got