Many of the job qualifications for staffing the Daycare Center are required by the state, in order to be in compliance with regulations governing child care facilities. The Certified Daycare Provider is required at minimum to have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development, though a Bachelor’s Degree in those fields is preferred, it is not required. In addition to the afore mentioned, candidates must also have state certification in childhood development, be licensed by the state and Certificate of Completion of the forty hours of Childhood Development Training required by the state. While CPR and First Aide Certification are a plus, they can be obtained once hired. A Registered Nurse must be listened by the state and provide proof of current certification in CPR and First Aid. The After School Associates are required to have completed the state required forty hours of Child Development Training. CPR and First Aide Certification is a plus, but is not contingent for hire, as they can be obtained once hired. The Office Support Paraprofessional is required to have three years experience in administration and business. All candidates must provide a valid form of identification and social security card valid for work in the United States. …show more content…
Using the verifications will ensure valid credentials and legitimate backgrounds of the staff. Resume and application information will be reviewed during the interview process and further research via the Internet and direct phone calls. The listed job requirements will ensure that the daycare center has the most qualified people working with the children and ultimately include other requirements not listed here. Giving children the best education and care is the mission of the daycare center, but it must also include the many mandatory state
There are only a select few in this situation that apply to this situation. Are the children being valued? No they are not. Are the teachers or daycare takers focusing on the children's development and learning? No, they are not. Is the daycare faculty
Childcare centers are regulated by the government. Many states also have education and training requirements for teachers and caregivers.
There is a problem in Texas impacting children’s futures; many childcare centers and homes are not providing children with quality care. In an article about cost and quality in Texas childcare, child development experts Susan Eitel and Joyce Nuner quote a study stating “that [nationally] only 10% of infants and toddlers are in high quality [childcare] programs” (34). The term ratio describes the number of children one caregiver is watching. This number is one of the major factors in the quality of a childcare program. Organizations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children know as NAEYC release recommendations regarding ratios and accredit programs based on their compliance. Childcare centers and homes must comply with certain minimum standards enforced by Texas regarding ratios; however, these standards often set the bar lower than recommendations made by these early childhood experts. The current standards in Texas do not ensure that all young children receive quality care; for this reason, the Texas Department of Family Protective Services should strengthen the minimum standards regarding ratios to better regulate the quality of care children receive.
The childcare industry has variables including childcare by a family member, a traditional caregiver or a day care center. It depends on a family’s situation as to which one benefits them most. The two types of childcare to be discussed are the traditional caregiver and a day care center. Parents must decide whether they want a one-on-one or a group setting for the care of their children.
Note: Bathroom and /or diaper change times vary to meet the child’s needs. This is a general schedule and is dictated mostly by the children’s needs and feelings each day.
"Child Care Quality: Does It Matter?" LifeSkills 1 (Dec. 2000/2001): 4.Http:// University of California. Web.
Children who participate in quality early learning programs tend to be more successful later in school. They are also most socially and emotionally competent. In addition those children show higher verbal and intellectual development during early childhood than children who do not participate in early learning programs (A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Quality Child Care). In order for a child care center to be a quality center they must have an educated staff, a program accreditation, and good health and safety practices. Parents choose high quality child care for many reasons. These programs prepare children for school in which they gain intellectual and social skills. Also the programs are a good opportunity for children because they receive age-appropriate learning materials and activities to let the children learn and grow.
When a parent leaves their child off at a daycare, they often wonder why their child who was happy and content before they arrived cries and screams when their parent leaves to go to work. This is a very hard transition for infants, which is why it's our job as infant toddler teachers to make the transition as comfortable and relaxing as possible.
Having a safe and healthy childcare setting is one of the most important duties in a daycare. Educators practising good healthy procedures is a good way for children to learn about healthy choices as educators are, good role models.
Retrieved April 20, 2003, from Anderson, Jeanne. (2002). The 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the ' Selecting a Child Care Program. The electronic version of the.
What is the primary role of staff members in a child care program? How should they adjust their interactions from the youngest children to the oldest?
First and foremost, knowing the purpose of daycare/child care facilities is the primary factor in determining whether a parent should conside...
These factors include interests, family obligations, abilities, values, and professional priorities. Each one of these attributes can affect how the applicant views their career as a whole (positively or negatively), how it affects their work performance and/or evaluations, and how applicant work with other providers. Child care providers should have an interest in working with children, should have creative and engaging abilities to work with the children they service, and should have their professional priorities in order. Professional priorities include organization, lesson plan skills, continuing education and training, state credentials, and being a member of professional organizations. Career choices should be made with patience, all the facts, and should be analyzed carefully.
National Center for O*NET Development . (2010). Preschool and Childcare Director. Retrieved November 12, 2013, from O*NET Online:
During the interview process, there I will look over their resume to see if they are qualified. In addition, I will look over letters of recommendations from students’ teachers and parents. For elementary students who are interested must be recommended by their teachers. Background checks and fingerprints will be enforced.