Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

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Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee struck me as only a slightly amusing sequence of conversations between Jerry Seinfeld and Seth Meyers. These two comedians are generally pretty funny on their original shows, but watching them interact in a natural setting was incredibly lackluster. The show was seemingly set up with a series of distractions (like sporty cars and artsy lattes) to reel in viewers, but after a short viewing the whole series falls flat. Moreover, the episodes are shorter than your usual television show by at least ten minutes, so I’m a little surprised that the episodes aren’t full of quality content. Maybe that is a tip off that an entire television episode shouldn’t center around an activity that most shows film in a single scene? In the show’s defense, director and comedian Jerry Seinfeld may have been going for a more “natural” feeling setting between himself and Seth Meyers. In that case, I can understand why he chose to go for a less scripted situation. Jerry Seinfeld does a great job of putting together a natural scene for the two of them to talk in; what better way to show a person’s casual side than to take them out for coffee? …show more content…

Why does the car that Jerry Seinfeld drives matter? Is the car supposed to be some sort of incentive for the guest comedian to get coffee with Jerry? I suppose I could blow it off as some sort of interesting distraction for the sake of making decent TV, but the episode begins with background information about the car. Jerry also makes a point of mentioning it to Seth Meyers on their way to the coffee shop. Of course, one could also make the point that the car must be important to the episode because it is mentioned in the title. But the original question remains unanswered: why tie the concept of a nice car in with a show mainly focused on the conversation between two funny

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