Jane Brody Biography

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Can a reader recognize if a source is credible by just the first paragraph of an article? Credibility of an article can be identified by where it’s found, who wrote it, and what research did the author use to back up the article’s information. Jane E. Brody has successfully demonstrated credibility to the public, as well as kept readers of The New York Times up to date on health studies, since the beginning of her journalistic career. Jane E. Brody, a well-respected columnist for The New York Times’s Health section, wrote an interesting article, Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers, in 2014 on the importance of sleep for teenagers, as well as the risks of deprivation of sleep. In the article Brody states, that a poll done in 2006, demonstrated that an average adolescent sleeps less than 20 percent of what the recommended average of eight to nine hours of sleep. Brody then goes on to explain that, while interviewing Dr. Judith A Owens, adolescents who drive while sleep deprived are just as dangerous as adolescents who drive drunk. Brody then explains the advantages to not starting school too early. One advantage she discussed, from a study done by Kyla Wahlstorm, supports the idea of starting school later because of the increase in students’ grade point averages in …show more content…

Brody is a columnist for The New York Times that focuses on Personal Health column. She initially joined The New York Times in 1965 as a specialist in medicine and biology. She received degrees in biochemistry and science writing at The New York State College of Agriculture and Life sciences, as well as from the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism. Brody has also been recognized for writing several books on healthy living, including but not limited to, Jane Brody’s Nutrition book and Jane Brody’s Good Food Book, which have both been labeled as best-sellers. Brody’s recognition does not stop there, she has an award-winning column that s published every Tuesday in The New York

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