Jacob Kounin Theory Essay

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Jacob Kounin theory was based on how teachers could use students and lessons to reduce behavioral problems inside of the classroom. Jacob Kounin focused on classroom management and lesson management to have a successful classroom setting. His key ideas include desist, ripple effect, withitness, overlapping and transition smoothness. This can be used in the classroom by presenting firmness when correcting a student’s misbehavior. Fixing that particular behavior of one student should trickle down to correct the behavior of the rest of the students. When given work, teachers should establish routines and give clear directions to make transitions effective. Also, as teacher you should make yourself visible at all times. Students are less likely …show more content…

Jones believed that there should not be any wasted time inside of the classroom. Each minute should be filled with an activity to do. If He created five clusters of teaching skills that allow teachers to efficiently deal with negative behaviors. This can effectively be used in the classroom by simply creating activities that will keep the students interested. My favorite game to use is Jeopardy. It’s a perfect review game that will keep the students intrigued. It gives them a chance to work as a group and learn the material.
Gordon Thomas approach to classroom management was the importance of building meaningful and beneficial relationships. He believed that positive relationship and having mutual respect for one another would better resolve conflict. Thomas created a series of step to follow when conflicts arises. The steps include Behavior Window, If-Message, and No-Lose Conflict Resolution. How you communicate is the biggest key for this plan to work. Teaching the students the “I-Message” is a good way to implement this. The “I- Message” teaches the students to be accountable for their …show more content…

This theory states that teachers were in charge of the classroom, and had the right to teach without interruptions. An assertive teacher should be firm with the structure, rules, procedures, and routines. Canter’s theories work best when implemented during the first day of class. The rules and consequences will be clearly discussed with the student so that each person should comply with the rules given. The set of rules will also be given to the parents to sign and return the next day. This will develop a sense of responsibility for learning and behaving in the correct

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