J Alfred Prufrock Activity

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Write Activity: A2.13 Lesson: Read 1. What is accomplished by the lengthy description of the "evening" in the first few stanzas of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"? In the Poem, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by T. S. Eliot, the author does not tell about his intellectual life. Instead, he keeps that information a secret; however, he does not live a social or public life. Therefore, it is all hidden. The author invites the reader to walk with him in the streets were no fancy establishments exist and the streets are half deserted, and there is foggy from the sky to the ground. The author does not give any information about the overwhelming question, but he spends a lot of time talking about the fog. Then, he talks about the time and that you will have time to prepare a face when a person goes into a social situation, you prepare to be polite, and you put up that persona that you are genuine in which you will be speaking and acting and to be a good sport even though you may not want to be there around people you do not like, but you still put your cheerful face on. “And time for all the works and days of hands/ That life and drop a question on …show more content…

Alfred Prufrock,” by T. S. Eliot, line 10 says, “To lead you to an overwhelming question . . .” (Eliot). Line 93 says, “To roll it toward some overwhelming question,” (Eliot). In the two lines, it seems that the “overwhelming question” to which the poem alludes is that Prufrock wants to propose to a person of the opposite sex, take a woman’s hand in marriage or question her love for him, but Prufrock has problems expressing his feelings as well as having a lot of problems communicating with women. On the other hand, I believe deep down in his consciousness he feels that this woman would criticize or reject him for attempting to make the right decision on his behalf, which makes it difficult to break the ice with the opposite sex and engage in a meaningful

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