Analysis Of T. S. Eliot's The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock

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Self-doubt is a constant emotion people in society face at some point in life. Some may struggle with it more than others. It is unavoidable and often ignored. Self-doubt is the lack of confidence in one self and one’s abilities. It is a difficult emotion to face head on and deal with, so it is simply pushed to the back burner. This becomes very dangerous because it has the ability to take over one’s life in the blink of an eye, much like Prufrock in T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock”. The longer Prufrock pushes off confronting his issues, the more powerful his self-doubt becomes. He is afraid to act without knowing the outcome, which is why he is never moving forward, and stepping outside of the box. The poem is based on a man’s inability to act and venture into the real world simply because Prufrock doubts he will ever be able to succeed in life, resulting in him ending up alone and unhappy. This is demonstrated through the alienation Prufrock experiences, the comparison Prufrock …show more content…

“[He] should have been a pair of ragged claws/ scuttling across the floors of silent seas” (Eliot, 73-74). This comparison is very powerful because he doubts he can progress and is constantly putting himself down. Prufrock sees himself as a crab, taking a long time to reach the destination if at all and having to side step around everything. He is constantly looking for guidance proving the doubt Prufrock has that he can never be worthy enough of making a decision without guidance. He may begin something or have an idea then begin to wonder “and how should I presume?” (Eliot, 54) repetitively begging for help and guidance each time he repeats it. The more desperate he is growing. Prufrock does not believe he is capable of making decisions for himself without knowing the answer or end result. He is pleading for help to prepare for what is to come and separates himself from the rest of

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