Balancing Education, Employment, and Volleyball: A Reflection

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As this is my last semester here at IWCC, I have experienced many different situations that had been good and bad. Being a full-time student and having a full-time job I don’t have much time to participate in organizations or anything along those lines. So, with that being said, the last time I participated in an activity was when I played volleyball in high school. If I was looking to play volleyball throughout my college experience I would have had more participation in IWCC. Playing on a team really teaches you many life lessons. Such as team work, dedication, working hard, and having heart. One of the things I remember most about playing volleyball was my coach always being proud of us as long as we gave it our all and played with our hearts. If you genuinely …show more content…

I’ve mastered the first test in Spanish and preparing for the first for Chemistry after our break. I’ve met some pretty neat characters here at IWCC over the last couple of semesters. This semester the person that has so far stuck out to me is a gal in my Spanish and Chemistry class. Her name is Akwal. She is from Carol, IA and is in the same boat as I am trying to get through Spanish with no background. It is always nice to make a friend early on in the class. The second person I want to mention in Courtney. She and I met on the first day of Algebra and we instantly clicked. It was like we have been friends since grade school. This will surely make this math class a little easier. Lastly is Taylor, she is also in my Spanish class. She and I sat next to one another the first day completely lost when our professor started throwing new material at us in the first 20 minutes of class. Since then we have had each other’s backs when one of us didn’t quit understand what the teacher was explaining. IWCC has been a journey, I am glad to have taken this on and (on December 16th) completed my time

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